From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 15276
Date: 2011-02-20
--- In, Nina van Gorkom wrote:
> (a) "Thero Muulasiri.m pakkosaapesi, atha mahaajanakaayo sannipati."
N: The Elder sent for Muulasiri, and then a crowd of people assembled.
> (b) "Sac'assa gehadvaara.m gamissaami, imassa bhariyaa ma.m da.t.thu.m na sakkhissati; yaav'assa bhatta.m aadaaya magga.m pa.tipajjati taava idh'eva bhavissaami."
N: If I will go to the door of his house, his wife would not be able to see me; so long as he, after having taken his meal, goes along his way, will I be just here.