Sorry, but automatic translation of short Japanese text strings using Google
Translate makes practically no sense! Judging from what I could see, most
English renderings are incorrect or incomplete, or (wrongly) influenced by their
context. When you select another target language, results are even worse as
Google always translates via English which multiplies the error rate. But I
agree that automatic translation is a way to start with a genuine translation.
I'll try to prepare English and German translations of my own, and will send you
my results when I am ready.


From: frank <fcckuan@...>
Sent: Sat, February 19, 2011 3:48:33 PM
Subject: [Pali] automatic translation of foreign language for peter's pali
suffix table

I saved out the rich format text as an html file and temporarily put a
copy here:

If you view it with google chrome browser, install the extension of
google translate toolbar,
it will give you can option near the top of the page to translate the page.

About half the japanese will show up as english translations. Not bad.

You could configure the google translate bar to translate from japanese
to something else instead.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]