"Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammaa vijjaabhaagiyaa.
these two / monks / things / conducive to wisdom
"O monks, these two things (are) conducive to wisdom.
dhamma (m) thing, phenomenon.
vijjaabhaagiya (adj) conducive to wisdom.
- vijjaa (f) knowledge, comprehension, wisdom.
- bhaagiyaa (adj) conducive to.
Katame dve?
which / two
Which two?
Samatho ca vipassanaa ca.
tranquility / and / insight / and
Tranquility and insight.
samatha (m) tranquility.
vipassanaa (f) insight.
Samatho, bhikkhave, bhaavito kamatthamanubhoti?
tranquility / monks / developed / why-endeavours
Why, O monks, does (one) endeavour developing tranquility?
bhaavita (pp of bhaaveti) developed, cultivated.
kamatthamanubhoti = kamattha.m anubhoti.
- kamattha.m = ka.m attha.m (adv) for what purpose, why?
- anubhoti (v) goes for, endeavours.
Citta.m bhaaviiyati.
mind / is developed
The mind is developed.
citta (n) mind.
bhaaviiyati (v) is developed, is cultivated.
Citta.m bhaavita.m kamatthamanubhoti?
mind / developed / why-endeavours
Why does (one) endeavour developing the mind?
Yo raago so pahiiyati.
whatever / greed / it / is abandoned
Any greed is abandoned.
raaga (m) lust, greed, passion.
pahiiyati (v) is abandoned.
Vipassanaa, bhikkhave, bhaavitaa kamatthamanubhoti?
insight / monks / developed / why-endeavours
Why, O monks, does (one) endeavour developing insight?
Pa~n~naa bhaaviiyati.
wisdom / is developed
Wisdom is developed.
pa~n~naa (f) wisdom.
Pa~n~naa bhaavitaa kamatthamanubhoti?
wisdom / developed / why-endeavours
Why does (one) endeavour developing wisdom?
Yaa avijjaa saa pahiiyati.
whatever / ignorance/ it / is abandoned
Any ignorance is abandoned.
avijjaa (f) ignorance.
Raagupakkili.t.tha.m vaa, bhikkhave, citta.m na vimuccati, avijjupakkili.t.thaa vaa pa~n~naa bhaaviiyati.
defiled by greed / or / monks / mind / not / is free / tainted by ignorance / or / wisdom / is developed
O monks, neither a mind defiled by greed is free, nor is wisdom tainted by ignorance developed.
raagupakkili.t.tha (adj) defiled by greed.
- upakkili.t.tha (adj) defiled, tainted.
vimuccati (v) is free, is released.
avijjupakkili.t.tha (adj) tainted by ignorance.
Iti kho, bhikkhave, raagaviraagaa cetovimutti, avijjaaviraagaa pa~n~naavimuttii"ti.
thus / indeed / monks / detached of greed / release of mind / detached of ignorance / release of wisdom
And indeed, O monks, without greed (is) the release of the mind, without ignorance (is) the release of wisdom."
iti (indec) thus.
raagaviraaga (adj) detached of greed.
- viraaga (m) detachment.
cetovimutti (f) release of mind.
- vimutti (f) release.
avijjaaviraaga (adj) detached of ignorance.
pa~n~naavimutti (f) release of wisdom.
Yong Peng.
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