From: frank
Message: 14120
Date: 2009-11-23
>Dear Frank,a computer geek :)
>unfortunately I'm not able to understand your algorithm. Obviously I'm not
>but have confidence it will be useful to more computer literate> wrote:
>--- On Sun, 11/22/09, frank <fcckuan@... <>
>From: frank <fcckuan@... <> com>
>Subject: RE: [Pali] Re: how does samyutta map to DPR?
>To: Pali@... <> com
>Date: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 5:20 PM
>Hi Branko,
> I think I understand now. This is the algorithm I came up with based on
>the info you provided: I made a color HTML table describing the conversion
>formula, which I uploaded to the pali files section.
>PR.html .[mailto:Pali@... <> com] On Behalf Of
>Please have a look to verify the formula is correct.
> _____
>From: Pali@... <> com
>Branislav Kovacevicfive
>Sent: Sunday, November 22, 2009 2:28 AM
>To: Pali@... <> com
>Subject: [Pali] Re: how does samyutta map to DPR?
>Dear Frank
>Samyutta Nikaya is organized in three levels. The first is comprised of
> 1 Sagâtha-vagga (samyuttas 1-11)
> 2 Nidâna-vagga (12-21)
> 3 Khandha-vagga (22-34)
> 4 Salâyatana-vagga (35-44)
> 5 Mahâ-vagga (45-56I)
>which are comprised of samyuttas and their numbers are indicated in
>above. These samyuttas are further divided into vaggas (again, which usualyphysical
>have 10 suttas). Therefore in DPR you have "Book" (vaggas) dropdown menu
>(1-5) and another three below for: samyuttas, vaggas, suttas
>Following your example of Rahogata Sutta, SN 36.11, you shoud choose Book 4
>(Salâyatana-vagga, 35-44) and further in the three dropdown menus second
>item, Vedana Samyutta (36), which is divided into 3 vaggas. Since you are
>looking for 11th sutta, it will be probably in the second vagga. Therefore
>choose Rahogatta vagga and in the last menu the first sutta is the one you
>are looking for.
>I hope this is clear enough for you to search for other suttas too.
>--- On Sun, 11/22/09, frank <fcckuan@... <>
>com> wrote:
>From: frank <fcckuan@... <> com>
>Subject: how does samyutta map to DPR? RE: Duroiselle (Re: Q. [Pali]
>To: Pali@... <> com
>Date: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 5:04 AM
>Thanks for the great work on DPR! It's really an awesome tool that makes
>things much easier than lugging around and flipping through lots of
>books. I'm hoping someone can explain how the different numbering systems
>work on the samyutta basket. I see DPR has 5 "books", each book as severl
>subdivisinos. What I'm trying to figure out is how to map the numbering
>scheme on Thanissaro's access to insight samyutta English translations to
>a side by side comparison with DPR. The current example of what I'm trying
>to research:
>http://www.accessto tipitaka/ sn/sn36/sn36. 011.than. html
>which has this sutta heading:
>SN 36.11
>PTS: S iv 216
>CDB ii 1270
>Rahogata Sutta: Alone
>In DPR, there I just looked through books 1 through 5 until I finally found
>rahogata sutta in book 4, under rahogata vaggo. Is that the correct sutta?
>haven't started doing a word by word scan through DPR, but just looking at
>the rough word counts between the English sutta at ATI and the DPR version,
>the DPR version looks a lot shorter.
>In thanissaro's translation, paragraph 3:
>"And I have also taught the step-by-step cessation of fabrications. When
>has attained the first jhana, speech has ceased. When one has attained the
>second jhana, directed thought & evaluation have ceased. When one has
>attained the third jhana, rapture has ceased. When one has attained the
>fourth jhana, in-and-out breathing has ceased. When one has attained the
>dimension of the infinitude of space, the perception of forms has ceased.
>I wanted to look up the DPR pali so I can try to track down what pali
>Thanissaro based his translation for "speech has ceased" in first jhana.
>But in general I sure would like to make some sense out of how Samyuttas
><> .net/forge/pdf/
>organized, and which mapping scheme corresponds with the one DPR is using.
>Thanks in advance.
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