From: Jim Anderson
Message: 13710
Date: 2009-06-02
> > yasmaa caamohabhaavena, akkharesu padesu ca.10
> > paa.liyattha.m vijaananti, vi~n~nuu sugatasaasane..
> >
> > and because, with the existence of non-confusion about the letters
> > and words,
> > the learned know the meaning of the Paali in the Sugata's Saasana,
> >the
> > Mahinda:
> > > Wherefore, due to (that) freedom from confusion, wise persons in
> > > Buddha Saasana, understand (correctly) the meaning of texts;In verse 11, there is the term "sappa~n~naa" which I translate as "the
> >
> > JA: I differ from Mahinda's "wise persons in the Buddha Saasana"
> > compared to my "the meaning of the Pali in the Sugata's Saasana".
> > I don't disagree with Mahinda's interpretation and would find it
> > difficult to decide on which if only one of them can be correct.
> --------
> N: I am considering ther word vi~n~nuu. I think that it does not
> refer to the learned in Paali grammar. I am thinking of this text:<
> svaakkhaato bhagavataa dhammo sandi.t.thiko akaaliko ehipassiko
> opanayiko paccatta.m veditabbo vi~n~nuuhii>ti .This is about wise
> persons who have attained enlightenment and experienced nibbaana.
> To me wise persons refer to those who understand the truth directly.
> Those who practise in accordance with the dhamma (dhammanudhamma).
> They penetrate the true meaning of the texts.
> This fits in with the following words:state
> paa.liyatthaavabodhena, yoniso satthusaasane.
> sappa~n~naa pa.tipajjanti, pa.tipattimatandikaa..
> (and) with a proper understanding of the meaning of the Pali
> in the Teacher's Saasana,
> the wise practise the practice without giving up, 11
> yoniso pa.tipajjitvaa, dhamma.m lokuttara.m vara.m.
> paapu.nanti visuddhaaya, siilaadipa.tipattiyaa..
> having practised properly, they reach the excellent supramundane
> by means of the purified practice of morality, and so on; 12understanding
> ------
> N: as to siilaadipa.tipattiyaa: siila, samaadhi and pa~n~naa. As to
> purified, visuddhaaya, this means: accompanied by right
> of realities, by insight.I would like to revise the second line to: