"Dveme , bhikkhave, dhammaa sukkaa loka.m paalenti.
these two / monks / things / pure / world / protect
"O monks, these two things, (which are) pure, protect the world.
* dveme = dve ime: these two.
- dve (num) two.
- aya.m (pron) this.
* bhikkhu (m) monk.
* dhamma (m) thing.
* sukka (adj) bright, pure, good.
* loka (m) world.
* paaleti (v) protects, guards.
Katame dve?
which / two
Which two?
* katama (pron) which.
Hirii ca ottappa~nca.
sense of shame / and / remorse for wrong-doing and
Sense of shame and remorse for wrong-doing.
* hirii (f) sense of shame.
* ca (conj) and.
* ottappa (n) fear of wrong-doing, remorse.
Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve sukkaa dhammaa loka.m na paaleyyu.m, nayidha
pa~n~naayetha maataati vaa maatucchaati vaa maatulaaniiti vaa
aacariyabhariyaati vaa garuuna.m daaraati vaa.
* kho (indec) indeed.
* na (neg) not.
* nayidha = na + y + idha (sandhi).
- idha (indec) now.
* pa~n~naayati (passive of pajaanaati) is known, is clear.
- pa~n~naayetha (optative attanopada 3rd person singular) may (it)
be known, clear.
* maataati
* vaa (conj) or.
* maatucchaa (f) mother's sister, maternal aunt.
* maatulaanii (f) mother's brother's wife.
* aacariyabhariyaa (f) teacher's wife.
- aacariya (m) teacher.
- bhariyaa (f) wife.
* garu (m) teacher.
* daaraa (f) wife.
I have prepared the vocabulary list, which is hopefully correct. Does
anyone like to translate this last sentence into English? Thank you.
Yong Peng.
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