Pali Day by Day G050 - The New Pali Course Part II - Ex 20 p151

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 13380
Date: 2009-02-28

Exercise 20
Translate into Pali, using the secondary derivatives where it is possible

1. The dealer in oil struck the door keeper of the rice merchant with
a weapon made of iron.
teliko / pahari / dovaarika.m / ta.n.dulikassa / aayudhena /
Teliko ayomayena aayudhena ta.n.dulikassa dovaarika.m pahari.

2. The Brahman lad, Ma.t.taku.n.dalii, was born in a golden mansion
in the Taavati.msa heaven, on account of his devotion and love
towards the Exalted One. / maa.navako / ma.t.taku.n.dalii / nibbatti /
suva.n.namaye / paasaade / taavati.msa-sagge / pa.ticca /
tassa / bhatti.m / ca / pasaada.m / bhagavantu maa.navako ma.t.taku.n.dalii pa.ticca bhagavantu
(tassa) bhatti.m ca pasaada.m ca taavati.msa-sagge
suva.n.namaye paasaade nibbatti.

3. The miserly Brahman, father of Ma.t.taku.n.dalii, promised him
to give a pair of wheels made of brass, silver or gold.
luddho / / pitaa / ma.t.taku.n.dalino / pa.tijaani /
ta.m / daatu.m / cakkayuga.m / lohamaya.m / rajatamaya.m / vaa /
Luddho ma.t.taku.n.dalino pitaa lohamaya.m vaa
rajatamaya.m vaa suva.n.namaya.m vaa cakkayuga.m daatu.m
(ta.m) pa.tijaani.

4. At that time Devadatta was seated preaching the Dhamma.
tasmi.m / samaye / devadatto / ahosi / nisinno / desento /
Tasmi.m samaye devadatto dhamma.m desento nisinno ahosi.

And when he saw from afar Saariputta and Moggallaana coming
towards him, he said to the monks:
ca / so / disvaa / duurato / saariputta.m / ca / moggallaana.m /
aagacchante / santika.m / tassa / so / aaha / bhikkhavo
Tassa santika.m aagacchante duurato saariputta.m ca moggallaana.m
ca disvaa so bhikkhavo aaha:

"See, monks, even the two chief disciples of the Samana Gotama
are coming to join me."
passatha / bhikkhavo / api / dve / aggaa / saavakaa / samanassa /
gotamassa / honti / aagacchantaa / samaagamitu.m / ma.m
"Passatha, bhikkhavo, samanassa gotamassa dve aggaa saavakaa api
ma.m samaagamitu.m aagacchantaa honti."

5. "These many distinguished young Magadha clansmen are now leading
a holy life under the Samana Gotama."
ime / bahuu / abhi~n~naataa / daharaa / maagadhaa / kulaputtaa /
honti / idaani / carantaa / brahmacariya.m / samanasmi.m /
"Ime bahuu abhi~n~naataa daharaa maagadhaa kulaputtaa idaani
samanasmi.m gotamasmi.m brahmacariya.m carantaa honti."

6. The Blessed One, robing himself in the forenoon, and taking his
alms-bowl and robe, entered Kosambii for alms.
bhagavaa / nivaasetvaa / pubba.nhe / ga.nhanto / tassa /
patta-ciivara.m / pavisi / kosambi.m / bhikkhaaya
Bhagavaa pubba.nhe nivaasetvaa (tassa) patta-ciivara.m ga.nhanto
bhikkhaaya kosambi.m pavisi.

And without informing his servitor or the bhikkhus he departed
alone in the direction of Paarileyyaka.
na aarocetvaa / tassa / upa.t.thaaka.m / vaa / bhikkhavo / so /
nikkhami / ekako / disaaya.m / paarileyyakassa
(Tassa) upa.t.thaaka.m vaa bhikkhavo vaa na aarocetvaa so
paarileyyakassa disaaya.m ekako nikkhami.

7. "Now at that time the Blessed One was staying at Anupiya, a town
belonging to Mallas.
idaani / tasmi.m / samaye / bhagavaa / vihari / anupiye / nagare /
"Idaani tasmi.m samaye bhagavaa malliye nagare anupiye vihari.

Then the most distinguished young men of the Sakyan clan had
renounced the world in imitation of the Blessed One."
tadaa / abhi~n~naatatamaa / daharaa / naraa / saakyassa /
abhinikkhami.msu / / bhagavato
Tadaa saakyassa abhi~n~naatatamaa daharaa naraa bhagavato abhinikkhami.msu."

8. The mother of Anuruddha the Sakyan said to her son:
maataa / anuruddhassa / saakyaa / aaha / tassaa / puttaaya
(Tassaa) puttaaya saakyaa anuruddhassa maataa aaha:

"If, dear Anuruddha, Bhaddiya, the ruler of Sakyans will renounce
the world, you also may go forth into the houseless state."
sace / piya / anuruddha / bhaddiyo / issaro / saakyassa /
abhinikkhissati / tva.m / api / pakkameyyaasi / anagaariya.m
"Sace, piya anuruddha, saakyassa issaro bhaddiyo abhinikkhissati,
tva.m api anagaariya.m pakkameyyaasi."

9. "Then the Sakyas showed to Asita, the child, their prince, who
was like the shining gold... and of peerless beauty."
tadaa / saakyaa / dassesu.m / asita.m / daaraka.m / tesaana.m /
raajaputta.m / viya / tapamaana.m / /
"Tadaa saakyaa (tesaana.m) viya tapamaana.m raajaputta.m daaraka.m asita.m dassesu.m."

10. "When in the palace for rainy season, surrounded during the four
months by female musicians, I did not go down from the palace."
yadaa / raajabhavane / vassaanaaya / parivuto / vattante /
caturo / maase / naa.tikaabhi / aha.m / na oruhi.m /
"Yadaa vassaanaaya raajabhavane vattante naa.tikaabhi caturo
maase parivuto, aha.m raajabhavanasmaa na oruhi.m.


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Please correct me if there is any mistakes.

Yong Peng.

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