From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 13351
Date: 2009-02-23
> lokaniitiviyattassa, satthu saddhammaniitino.-------
> saasanattha.m pavakkhaami, saddaniitimanaakula.m..
> I will now expound the Saddaniiti which is unconfused, its scope the
> Teaching,
> Of the Teacher who is proficient in the guidance of the world and
> whose
> guidance is the True Dhamma. || 6 ||
> saddhammaniitino: also gen: could be: who points out the trueiitino: of the one who guides.
> Dhamma.???
> saddaniitimanaakula.m.: anaakula: unconfused. As Jim said: theIt is interesting to find here niiti again in the name Saddaniiti.
> Saddaniiti which is unconfused.