Pali Day by Day G038 - The New Pali Course Part II - Ex 14 p101

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 12966
Date: 2008-11-02

Exercise 14
Translate into Pali

1. Let us fight the enemy and not play and sing during war-time.
maya.m / yujjhaama / sattu.m / ma kii.laama / ca gaayaama /
vattante / yuddhe
Maya.m sattu.m yujjhaama yuddhe vattante ma kii.laama ca gaayaama.

2. The weaver's beautiful daughter weaves a golden cloth for her
tantavaayassa / suruupaa / dhiitaa / vinaati / suva.n.namaya.m /
pa.t.ta.m / tassaa / gharabandhanaaya
Tantavaayassa suruupaa dhiitaa (tassaa) gharabandhanaaya
suva.n.namaya.m pa.t.ta.m vinaati.

3. As he was pondering he heard not a sound.
tasmi.m / vitakkentasmi.m / so / / na / sadda.m
Tasmi.m vitakkentasmi.m so na sadda.m

4. He attains greater happiness who shares his joys with others.
so / pa.tilabhati / mahantara.m / sukha.m / yo / bhaajeti /
tassa / paamojje / saha / parehi
Yo parehi saha (tassa) paamojje bhaajeti so mahantara.m sukha.m

5. The merchant having hawked his wares for a whole day was not
able to sell anything.
vaa.nijo / vaa.nijjaaya aahi.n.ditvaa / tassa / bha.n.daani /
sakalaaya / divasaaya / na asakkhi / vikketu.m / ya.m ki~nci
Sakalaaya divasaaya (tassa) bha.n.daani vaa.nijjaaya aahi.n.ditvaa
vaa.nijo ya.m ki~nci vikketu.m na asakkhi.

6. The cool breeze coming from the Himalaya mountain shakes the
tree-tops and causes their leaves to flutter.
siitalo / maaluto / aagacchanto / himavataa / kampitvaa /
dumagge / kampeti / tesa.m /
Himavataa aagacchanto siitalo maaluto dumagge kampitvaa (tesa.m) kampeti.

7. "Let us eat, dance and be merry, for tomorrow we die!" said the
happy lad.
maya.m / bhu~njaama ca / naccaama ca / bhavaama ca / tu.t.tho /
yato / suve / maya.m / mareyyaama / aaha / sukhito / maa.navako
'(Maya.m) bhu~njaama ca naccaama ca tu.t.tho bhavaama ca yato
suve (maya.m) mareyyaama' ti aaha sukhito maa.navako.

8. Having thought about this, he attempted to say something but the
judge ordered him to keep silence.
cintetvaa / parito / imassa / so / ussahi / vattu.m / ki~nci /
tathaa pi / vinicchayaamacco / aa.naapesi / ta.m /
tu.nhii bhavitu.m
Imassa parito cintetvaa, so ki~nci vattu.m ussahi, tathaa pi
vinicchayaamacco tu.nhii bhavitu.m ta.m aa.naapesi.

9. "Protect your dependents, do not steal their happiness" says an
old law-book of the brahmins.
paalehi / te / nissitakaa / maa avaharaahi / tesa.m / sukha.m /
katheti / / niitigantho / brahma.naana.m
"Paalehi te nissitakaa, tesa.m sukha.m maa avaharaahi" ti
brahma.naana.m niitigantho katheti.

10. Throwing away the refuse, the novice (-monk) came back to the
monastery but the preceptor not knowing where he had been was
vexed and irritated.
cha.d.detvaa / kacavara.m / saama.nero / paccaagacchi /
vihaara.m / tathaa pi / na ~natvaa / yattha / so / gato /
upajjhaayo / ahosi / ru.t.tho / anattamano
Kacavara.m cha.d.detvaa saama.nero vihaara.m paccaagacchi
tathaa pi yattha so gato na ~natvaa upajjhaayo ru.t.tho
anattamano ahosi.


Please correct me if there is any mistakes.

Yong Peng.

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