From: Mahinda Palihawadana
Message: 12909
Date: 2008-10-04
On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 9:10 AM, thomaslaw03 <thomaslaw03@...>wrote:
> Dear Mahinda Palihawadana,
> Thank you very much for giving the commentary's information to
> support the CSCD version and the translation suggested by Jim. Could
> you please tell us the vol. and page number of the commentary you
> refer to?
> Thank you.
> Thomas Law
> --- In <>, "mahipaliha"
> <mahipal6@...> wrote:
> >
> > --- In <>, "Jim Anderson"
> <jimanderson.on@> wrote:
> > > Instead of "veyyakara.nassa hetu", the CSCD version
> > reads "
> > > tassa hetu". I think the latter is the correct one.
> > > I think the two readings as noted above account for the main
> > difference in
> > > the two translations. I would choose the second one as being more
> > accurate ...
> >
> > The commentary is helpful here. It represents the Buddha as saying
> > that a monk should not run behind the Teacher for the sake of
> (simply)
> > learning his sayings in the form of discourses, verses and
> > expositions. The Comy asks why does the Buddha say this here, when
> > elsewhere (it gives an Anguttara ref.) he has praised learning and
> > compared a person who has learned (the teachings) - a 'bahussuta'-
> to
> > a well-armed warrior. The reason it says is that rote learning
> (suta-
> > pariyatti) is not what the B. recommends, but learning which is
> > accompanied by appropriate "graduated practice" (anuloma
> pa.tipadaa),
> > i.e., the tenfold 'talk' enumerated thereafter in this Sutta, which
> > ten would lead one to wisdom, deliverance etc. The text then is, as
> > you point out, "yadida.m sutta.m geyya.m tassa
> hetu".
> > It still looks an awkward wording, of course.
> >
> > Mahinda Palihawadana
> >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]