Pali Day by Day G033 - The New Pali Course Part II - Ex 12

From: flrobert2000
Message: 12835
Date: 2008-09-19

Dear friends,
Here are the answers for exercise 12. I must say that I found the 2
verses from the Hatthavanagalla Viharavamsa (11 and 12) quite

Exercise 12 p88
Translate into English

1."Atha kho Bhagavaa Bhoganagare yathaabhiranta.m viharitvaa
aayasmanta.m Aanada.m aamantesi: aayaam' Aaananda, yena Paavaa ten'
upasa'nkamissaamaa 'ti. 'Evam, Bhante' ti kho aayasmaa Aanando
Bhagavato paccassosi." D. ii. 81 [Diighanikaayo,,
3. Mahaaparinibbaanasutta.m, Kammaaraputtacundavatthu]
and then / Buddha / [in] Bhoganagara / as long as one pleases /
having stayed / Venerable / Aananda / called / come???aayaama=let's
come, doesn't make sense though / where / Paavaa / there / let's go
near / very good / Lord / Venerable / Aananda / [to] Buddha /
The Buddha stayed for as long as he pleased in Bhoganagara, and then
called Venerable Ananda: "Come Aananda, let's go to Paavaa". "Very
good, Lord", did Venerable Ananda promise to the Blessed One.

2."Atha kho Bhagavaa Kapilavatthusmi.m yathaabhiranta.m viharitvaa
yena Saavatthii tena caarika.m pakkaami; anupubbena caarika.m
caramaano yena Saavatthii, tad avasari." V. i. [Vinayapi.take,, 1. Mahaakhandhako, 41. Raahulavatthu]
and the / Blessed One / [in] Kapilavatthu / as long as one pleases /
having stayed / where / Saavatthii / there / wandering / went
forth / gradually / wandering / walking about / where / Saavatthii /
there / arrived
Then the Blessed One, having stayed in Kapilavatthu for as long as
he pleased, went forth to Saavatthi. Wandering about he soon arrived
in Saavatthi.

3."Atthaaya vata me Buddho
Nadi.m Nera~njara.m agaa." Thg.38 [Khuddakanikaaye,, 5. Pa~ncakanipaato, 6.
for the sake of / certainly / [to] me / Buddha
river / Nera~njara / went
It is certainly for me that the Buddha went to the river Nera~njara.

4."A~n~nen' eva taani caturaasiiti-pabbajita-sahassaani agama.msu,
a~n~nena maggena Vipassii bodhisatto." D. ii. 30 [Diighanikaayo,, 1. Mahaapadaanasutta.m, Mahaajanakaaya-
[through] other / only / those / 84000 monks / went / [through]
other / [through] way / Vipassii / Bodhisatta
Those 84000 monks went one way, the BodhissattaVipassii another.

5."Bhisamu.laala.m ga.nhitvaa
Agama.m Buddhasantika.m" Apa. 114 [Khuddakanikaaye,, 7. Sakacintaniyavaggo, 5. Bhisadaayakatthera-
fibre and stalk / having taken / went / near the Buddha
Having taken the fiber and stalk of the lotuses I went near the

6."Bho pabbajita, amhaaka.m geham agamatthaa ti? Aama,
agamamhaa ti. " Samp. i. 37 [Vinayapi.take, Paaraajikaka.n.da-
a.t.thakathaa, Tatiyasa.ngiitikathaa].
my dear / monk / our / house / went / yes / Brahmin / went
My dear monk, did you go to our house? Yes, Brahmin, we did go.

7."Tassaaha.m santike gaccha.m; So me satthaa bhavissati." Caapaa
Therii [Khuddakanikaaye,, 13. Viisatinipaato, 3.
[to] him-I / close / went / close / he / my / teacher / will become
I went to him; he will be my teacher.

8."Ga.namhaa vupaka.t.tho so
Agamaasi vanantara.m." Apa [Khuddakanikaaye,,
45. Vibhiitakavaggo, 1. Vibhiitakami~njiyatthera-apadaana.m].
[from] sect / secluded / he
went / [to] denser forest
Secluded from his sect, he went to a denser forest.

9."Alatthu.m kho bhikkhave taani caturaasiiti-pabbajita-sahassaani
Vipassissa Bhagavato...santike pabbaja.m." D. ii. 43 [Diighanikaayo,, 1. Mahaapadaanasutta.m, Mahaajanakaayapabbajjaa].
received / indeed / monks / those / 84000 monks / [of] Vipassi /
[of] Buddha / near / going-forth
And those 84000 monks had received the going-forth from Buddha

10."Eva.m vilapamaana.m ta.m
Aananda.m aaha Gotamii:
Na yutta.m socitu.m putta,
Haasakaale upa.t.thite." Apa. 534 [Khuddakanikaaye, , 2. Ekuuposathikavaggo, 7.
thus / lamenting / that / Ananda / said / Gotami
no / engaged in / to grieve / son / [in] times to be joyful / [in]
Aananda was lamenting in such a way, that Gotami said to him:
"O son, don't be engaged in grieving when the times to be joyful
have arrived"

11."Citte mahaakaru.nayaa paha.taavakaasaa
Duura.m jagaama viya tassahi vatthuta.nhaa." H.V [
Sa'ngaho, Hatthavanagallavihaara va.mso, 45].
[in] mind / [with] great compassion / being not given a place /
far / he has gone / like / craving for a field
Being not given a place, with great compassion in his mind he has
gone far away

12."So Sa.nkhapaala-bhujago visavegavaa pi
Siilassa bhedana-bhayena akuppamaano
Iccha.m sadeha-bharavaahi-jane12 dayaaya
Gantu.m saya.m apadataaya susoca nuuna.m." H.V. [
Sa'ngaho, Hatthavanagallavihaara va.mso, 47]
he / Sa.nkhapaala-snake / possessing the destructive power of
poison / and
[of] morality / [with] fear of breaching / not being angry
wishing / own body – bearer of a burden – people / [with] compassion
to go / by oneself / [with] footlessness / he has grieved / certainly
The snake Sa.nkhapaala possessing the power of poison
Afraid of breaching his morality, not being angry
Wishing compassion for the people who bear his body
having to go by himself with no feet, he certainly grieved

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