Exercise 12
Translate into Pali
1. Being disappointed in securing a husband befitting her, the king
one day declared that he would give her away to one who would meet his
eyes the following morning.
khinnacitto / laddhu.m / bhattu.m / patiruupa.m / ta.m / raajaa /
ekadaa / pakaasesi / aavapeyya / ta.m / yassa...tassa / sa~ncareyya /
cakkhavo / suve / paato
Patiruupa.m bhattu.m ta.m laddhu.m khinnacitto raajaa yassa paato suve
cakkhavo sa~ncareyya tassa ta.m aavapeyya ekadaa pakaasesi.
2. Once a blind man, who had no property but an earthen pot and a
blanket, went to a temple and in sheer desire resolved to end his
weary life by abstinence from food.
ekadaa / andho / naro / yassa / atthi / na santaka.m / vinaa /
mattikaamaya.m / kumbha.m ca / kambala.m ca / gantvaa / devaayatana.m
/ accante / khede / adhi.t.thahi / kaatu.m / anta.m / dukkhitassa /
jiivitassa / anasanena
Yassa na santaka.m vinaa mattikaamaya.m kumbha.m ca kambala.m ca atthi
andho naro ekadaa devaayatana.m gantvaa anasanena dukkhitassa
jiivitassa anta.m kaatu.m accante khede adhi.t.thahi.
3. Hiuen Tsiang, the Chinese pilgrim, who visited Naalandaa in the
beginning of the seventh century A.D., studied Buddhist Sanskrit
literature under its professors and has left an excellent account of it.
(naama) Hiuen Tsiang / cinajaatiko / pariya.tako / yo / upaaga~nchi /
naalanda.m / aadimhi / satta.massa / satavassassa / (so) uggahetvaa /
sogata.m / sakkatabhaasiiya.m / ganthaavali.m / he.t.thaa / tassaa /
pa.n.ditaacariyaana.m / pajahi / pasattha.m / vuttanta.m / tassa
Cinajaatiko pariya.tako naama Hiuen Tsiang yo satta.massa satavassassa
aadimhi naalanda.m upaaga~nchi so tassaa pa.n.ditaacariyaana.m
he.t.thaa sogata.m sakkatabhaasiiya.m ganthaavali.m uggahetvaa (tassa)
pasattha.m vuttanta.m pajahi.
4. The second but perhaps the most famous of all Buddhist universities
of ancient India was that of Naalandaa.
dutiyo / tathaa pi / paaka.tatamo / sabbesa.m / sogataana.m /
nikhilavijjaalayaana.m / sanantanassa / jambudiipassa / ahosi / so /
Sanantanassa jambudiipassa sabbesa.m sogataana.m
nikhilavijjaalayaana.m dutiyo tathaa pi paaka.tatamo naalandaaya so ahosi.
Its library, the largest in India, was located in the nine-storeyed
building called Ratnodadhi.
tassa / potthakaalayo / (yo) / mahantatamo / jambudiipe / ahosi /
pati.t.thaapito / nava-bhuumake / gehe / naama / ratnodadhi
Yo jambudiipe mahantatamo tassa potthakaalayo nava-bhuumake gehe naama
ratnodadhi pati.t.thaapito ahosi.
5. Without telling her husband, she assigned a lodging to the
messenger, gave him provisions and ordered him to stay there till she
sent him back.
vinaa / vadanto / tassaa / bhattu.m / saa / niyaametvaa / nivesana.m /
duutaaya / datvaa / ta.m / paribbaye / aa.naapesi / ta.m / .thaatu.m /
tattha / yaava...taava / saa / uyyojesi / ta.m
Saa vinaa (tassaa) bhattu.m vadanto duutaaya nivesana.m niyaametvaa
paribbaye datvaa yaava (saa) (ta.m) uyyojesi taava tattha .thaatu.m
6. The wife of Ghosaka, as she was wise and clever, had ordered the
servants in her house to inform her first if someone were to come from
the treasurer.
bhariyaa / ghosakassa / yasmaa / saa / vi~n~nuu ca / upaayakusalaa ca
/ ahosi / aa.naapitaa / sevake / tassaa / ghare / nivedetu.m / ta.m /
pa.thama.m / yadi / koci / aagaccheyya / bha.n.daagaarikasmaa
Ghosakassa bhariyaa yasmaa (saa) vi~n~nuu ca upaayakusalaa ca (ta.m)
pa.thama.m nivedetu.m (tassaa) ghare sevake aa.naapitaa ahosi yadi
koci bha.n.daagaarikasmaa aagaccheyya.
7. "Every night Princes Halla and Vihalla, mounted on the elephant
Sechanaka, penetrated into the camp of besiegers, and killed many of
their soldiers."
anu-ratti.m / raajakumaaraa / hallo ca / vihallo ca / aaruyha /
hatthimhi / sechanakamhi / pa.tivijjhitvaa / khandhaavaare /
avarodhakaana.m / maaresu.m / bahavo / tesaana.m / yodhe
"Anu-ratti.m raajakumaaraa hallo ca vihallo ca hatthimhi sechanakamhi
aaruyha avarodhakaana.m khandhaavaare pa.tivijjhitvaa tesaana.m bahavo
yodhe maaresu.m."
8. "His mother said: ... When I was pregnant with you, I had a longing
to eat your father's flesh.
tassa / maataa / aaha / yadaa / aha.m / ahuvaa / garugabbhaa / tayaa /
aha.m / babhuuva / doha.la.m / bhottu.m / tava / pitussa / ma.msa.m
"Tassa maataa aaha: ... yadaa aha.m tayaa garugabbhaa ahuvaa, (tadaa)
aha.m tava pitussa ma.msa.m bhottu.m doha.la.m babhuuva.
The king satisfied my longing.
raajaa / santappesi / mayha.m / doha.la.m
Raajaa mayha.m doha.la.m santappesi.
When you were born, I abandoned you in an enclosure of asoka-trees."
yadaa / tva.m / uppajjo / aha.m / jahi.m / ta.m / gumbantare /
Yadaa tva.m uppajjo, aha.m asoka-rukkhaana.m gumbantare ta.m jahi.m."
9. "The royal families of these kingdoms were united by matrimonial
ma`ngalaa / kulaa / imesaana.m / rajjaana.m / ahesu.m / sa`ngamitaa /
"Aavaaha-vivaaha-sambandhehi imesaana.m rajjaana.m ma`ngalaa kulaa
sa`ngamitaa (ahesu.m);
and were also, not seldom in consequence of those very alliances, from
time to time at war."
ca / ahesu.m / abhi.nha.m / adhikara.na.m / tesaana.m / sambandhaana.m
/ kadaaci kadaaci / yuddhe
abhi.nha.m ca tesaana.m sambandhaana.m adhikara.na.m yuddhe kadaaci
kadaaci (ahesu.m)."
10. "He told his daughter that there was a dwarf who knew a charm,
that she was to learn it of that dwarf;
so / kathesi / tassa / dhiitara.m / ya.m / aasi / laku.n.tako / ajaani
/ manta.m / ta.m / saa / ugga.nhitvaa / manta.m / tasmaa / laku.n.takasmaa
"So (tassa) dhiitara.m kathesi 'ya.m manta.m ajaani laku.n.tako aasi
ta.m manta.m saa tasmaa laku.n.takasmaa ugga.nhitvaa;
and then tell it to him, the king."
ca / tadaa / ahosi / kathetu.m / ya.m...ta.m / raaja.m
ca tadaa ya.m raaja.m ta.m kathetu.m ahosi'ti."
Please correct me if there is any mistakes.
Yong Peng.