Pali Day by Day G032 - The New Pali Course Part II

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 12822
Date: 2008-09-14

Exercise 11
Translate into Pali

1. One should develop a loving heart towards all beings as a mother
protects her own son.
eko / bhaavetu / metta-citta.m / santika.m / sabbe / satte / seyyathaa
/ maataa / rakkhati / attano / putta.m
Seyyathaa maataa attano putta.m rakkhati, eko santika.m sabbe satte
metta-citta.m bhaavetu.

2. Thou shouldst sit on the chair in the royal bedroom and address the
sick king as if he were thine own brother.
tva.m / nisiiditvaa / pii.the / sirigabbhe / aamanteyyaasi / rogi.m /
raaja.m / viya cintetvaa / so / tuyha.m / bhaataa
Tva.m sirigabbhe pii.the nisiiditvaa viya so tuyha.m bhaataa
(cintetvaa) rogi.m raaja.m aamanteyyaasi.

3. Just as there would be no need of medicine for a healthy man, so
would a Tathaagata need no teacher.
yathaa / bhaveyya / na / payojaana.m / bhesajjassa / nirogaaya /
naraaya / eva / tathaagato / na / payojaana.m / aacariyassa
Yathaa nirogaaya naraaya bhesajjassa payojaana.m na bhaveyya, eva
tathaagato na aacariyassa payojaana.m.

4. A wise man would not neglect a growing disease or a conquering enemy;
viduu / na pamajjeyya / va.d.dhanta.m / roga.m ca / jinanta.m / sattu.m ca
Viduu va.d.dhanta.m roga.m ca jinanta.m sattu.m ca na pamajjeyya;

similarly he should not neglect the recurring series of rebirths.
tata'eva / so / na pamajjeyya / anuppabandha.m / punabbhavaana.m
tata'eva so punabbhavaana.m anuppabandha.m na pamajjeyya.

5. Should the mother leaving her young child repair to the monastery
to hear the discourse of the Enlightened One, there would be nobody at
home to look after it.
ce / maataa / jahantii / tassaa / dahara.m / daaraka.m / gaccheyya /
vihaara.m / sotu.m / dhamma.m / Buddhassa / bhaveyya / na koci / gehe
/ pa.tijaggitu.m / ta.m
Dahara.m daaraka.m jahantii maataa ce Buddhassa dhamma.m sotu.m
vihaara.m gaccheyya, na koci gehe ta.m pa.tijaggitu.m bhaveyya.

6. Just as a man standing on the top of a hill would view all people
below, so would a monk having attained perfection gaze on the world.
seyyathaa / naro / ti.t.thanto / upari / girissa / passeyya / sabbe /
manusse / adho / eva / bhikkhu / patto / sambodhi.m / passeyya / loka.m
Seyyathaa girissa upari ti.t.thanto naro sabbe manusse adho passeyya,
eva sambodhi.m patto bhikkhu loka.m passeyya.

7. If he were a little more sensible, there would be no necessity at
all to accompany him.
sace / so / bhavissati / thoka.m / bhiyyo / satimaa / hupeyya / na /
attha.m / anugantu.m / ta.m
Sace so thoka.m bhiyyo satimaa bhavissati, ta.m anugantu.m na attha.m

8. If the six damsels were to bathe in the river early in the morning
and carry flowers to the Queen, each one of them would surely get a
gold coin from Her Majesty.
yadi / cha / kumaariyo / nahaatvaa / nadiya.m / paato'va / hareyyu.m /
pupphaani / raajini.m / ekameko / taasaana.m / ve / labhissati /
suva.n.namaya.m / / raajiniyaa
Yadi cha kumaariyo paato'va nadiya.m nahaatvaa raajini.m pupphaani
hareyyu.m, raajiniyaa suva.n.namaya.m taasaana.m ekameko
ve labhissati.

9. Were she a follower of Naataputta, the naked ascetic, she would not
in all probability bow down in homage to the Master.
sace / saa / hupeyya / anvaayika.m / naataputtassa / niga.n.thassa /
saa / na / eka.msena / namassisati / gaaravena / satthaara.m
Sace saa niga.n.thassa naataputtassa anvaayika.m hupeyya, saa
gaaravena satthaara.m eka.msena na namassisati.

10. Who would think of refusing water to a thirsty person even if he
be of an inferior caste?
ko / cinteyya / pa.tikkhipana / udaka.m / pipaasita.m / manussa.m / ce
pi / so / hoti / niicassa / kulassa
Ko pipaasita.m manussa.m udaka.m pa.tikkhipana cinteyya ce pi so
niicassa kulassa hoti?


Please correct me if there is any mistakes.

Yong Peng.

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