Pali Day by Day G028 - The New Pali Course Part II

From: ong.yongpeng
Message: 12742
Date: 2008-08-03

Exercise 9
Translate into Pali, forming compounds where it is possible

1. Bimbisaara, the king of Magadha, came with his retinue to his
garden named Veluvana to listen to the doctrine preached by the Buddha.
Bimbisaaro / Magadha-raajaa / aagacchi / saha / tassa / parisaahi /
aaraama.m / Veluvana-naama.m / sotu.m / dhamma.m / desita.m / Buddhena
Magadha-raajaa Bimbisaaro Buddhena desita.m dhamma.m sotu.m
Veluvana-naama.m aaraama.m (tassa) parisaahi saha aagacchi.

2. Having heard the Dhamma, he, together with one hundred and twenty
thousands of men, became a disciple of the Blessed One.
sutvaa / dhamma.m / so / saha / viisati-sata-manussasahassena / bhavi
/ saavako / Bhagavantassa
Dhamma.m sutvaa so viisati-sata-manussasahassena saha Bhagavantassa
saavako bhavi.

3. The man whose sons are dead went to a monastery (situated) outside
the town and made an offering of alms and robes to the monks dwelling
naro / yassa / puttaa / mataa / gantvaa / vihaara.m / bahinagara.m /
akaasi / puuja.m / daanassa ca / ciivaraana.m ca / bhikkhuuna.m /
viharantaana.m / tattha
Mataa puttaa yassa (so) naro bahinagara.m vihaara.m gantvaa tattha
viharantaana.m bhikkhuuna.m daanassa ca ciivaraana.m ca puuja.m akaasi.

4. On the next day, having prepared alms for the bhikkhus and having
decked the town, they repaired the road by which the Buddha was to come.
suve / pa.tiyadetvaa / daana.m / bhikkhuuna.m / pi.landhitvaa /
nagara.m / te / pa.tisa`nkharosu.m / magga.m / yena...tena / Buddho /
ahosi / aagantu.m
Suve bhikkhuuna.m daana.m pa.tiyadetvaa nagara.m pi.landhitvaa te tena
Buddho aagantu.m ahosi yena magga.m pa.tisa`nkharosu.m.

5. He said to the men, "If you are clearing this road for the Buddha,
assign to me a piece of ground.
so / ahaa / nare / sace / tumhe / bhavetha / sodhentaa / ima.m /
magga.m / Buddhaaya / niyametha / me / kha.n.da.m / bhuumiyaa
So nare ahaa "Sace tumhe Buddhaaya ima.m magga.m sodhentaa bhavetha,
bhuumiyaa kha.n.da.m me niyametha.

I will clear it in company with you."
aha.m / sodhessaami / ta.m / saha / tumhehi
Aha.m tumhehi saha ta.m sodhessaami."

6. But, before the ground could be cleared by him, the Buddha
Diipa`nkara with a train of a hundred thousand saints, endowed with
the six supernatural powers, came down into the road all decked and
made ready for Him.
pana / pubbe / bhuumiya.m / sodheyya / tena / Buddho / Diipa`nkaro /
bhaajanena / lakkha-khii.naasavehi / cha.labhi~n~naappattehi /
oruhi.msu / magge / pa.tiyaadite / pi.landhite / tassa
Pana, pubbe bhuumiya.m tena sodheyya, Buddho Diipa`nkaro
cha.labhi~n~naappattehi lakkha-khii.naasavehi bhaajanena tassa
pi.landhite pa.tiyaadite magge oruhi.msu.

7. Having received at the foot of a banyan tree a meal of rice-milk,
and partaken of it by the banks of the Nera~njaraa, he will attain, at
the foot of a fig tree, the Supreme Knowledge.
labhitvaa / Nigrodha-muule / khiirapaayaasa.m / bhu~njitvaa /
Nera~njaraa-kuule / so / pa.tilabhissati / assattha-muule /
Nigrodha-muule Nera~njaraa-kuule khiirapaayaasa.m labhitvaa
bhu~njitvaa, so assattha-muule pa.tilabhissati.

8. The saints, four hundred thousand in number, having made offerings
of perfume and garlands to the Great Being, saluted him and departed.
khii.naasavaa / catu-lakkha.m / katvaa / puuja.m / sugandhassa ca /
maalaana.m ca / mahaapurisaaya / abhivaadetvaa / apagacchi.msu
Khii.naasavaa catu-lakkha.m mahaapurisaaya sugandhassa ca maalaana.m
ca puuja.m katvaa abhivaadetvaa apagacchi.msu.

9. While the earth was trembling, the people of the city of Ramma,
unable to endure it, fell here and there, while waterpots and other
vessels were dashed into pieces.
bhuumiya.m / kampamaane / manussaa / Ramma-purassa / sahitu.m / na
sakkontaa / pati.msu / tattha tattha / gha.tesu / ca / a~n~nesu /
bhaajanesu / kha.n.daakha.n.dikajaatesu
Kampamaane bhuumiya.m Ramma-purassa manussaa sahitu.m na sakkontaa
tattha tattha pati.msu kha.n.daakha.n.dikajaatesu gha.tesu ca a~n~nesu

10. At that moment the throne on which Sakka was seated became warm.
tasmi.m / kha.nasmi.m / siihaasana.m / tasmi.m / Sakko / ahosi /
nissino / bhavi / abbhu.nha.m
Tasmi.m kha.nasmi.m (ya.m) siihaasana.m abbhu.nha.m bhavi tasmi.m
Sakko (ta.m) nissino ahosi.


Please correct me if there is any mistakes.

Yong Peng.

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