From: Jim Anderson
Message: 12349
Date: 2008-03-14
>> 2. Do grammar rules in grammars like Aggava.msa's Saddaniiti or theYes, if you're thinking of unique numbers that identify a particular
>> Kaccaayana or Moggallaana's grammar have unique identifying
>> numbers that can be cited when the rule is invoked?
> No idea; but fellow list member Jim Andersen is an expert in Pali
> grammars and could probably answer this for you.
>> 3. What are the names of the letters of the Pali alphabet? (theAlso, if you want to say " the letter 'a' " in Pali, you can say "a-
>> words you use when you spell out a word verbally for a person?)
> I don't know. I don't think that they have names other than the
> sounded-out letter: a, i, u, aa, ii, uu, etc. But note that
> consonants are sounded out as if followed with the vowel a, thus
> ka, kha, ga, gha, etc.
>> 4. Is there a list of the verb roots in Pali.There are at least 4 lists of Pali verbal roots (dhaatu-s).
>> In Sanskrit I read there are about 2000.
>> The rest of the verbs derived by prefixing and suffixing.
> Yes, there is - it is in the file section of this Pali list at:
> posted by Alex Genaud.