Exercise 6
Translate into Pali
9. Millionaires keep their wealth in iron safes in order to protect
it from the thieves.
se.t.thino / .thapenti / tesa.m / dhana.m / ayope.laasu /
rakkhitu.m / corehi
Corehi (tesa.m) dhana.m rakkhitu.m se.t.thino ayope.laasu
10. The traveller, fatigued by the heat of the sun, came to a lake,
bathed there, and went on with some lotuses in his hand.
pathiko / kilanto / aatapena / aagantvaa / sara.m / nahaatvaa /
tatra / ayaasi / ekaccehi / padumehi / tassa / hatthe
Sara.m aagantvaa tatra nahaatvaa aatapena kilanto pathiko (tassa)
hatthe ekaccehi padumehi ayaasi.
11. Prince Siddhaartha became a monk at the age of 29, and became
enlightened when he was 35 years old.
raajakumaaro / siddhattho / pabbajitvaa / vayasaa /
ekuunati.mso / bhavi / buddho / pa~ncati.mso
Ekuunati.mso vayasaa raajakumaaro siddhattho pabbajitvaa,
pa~ncati.mso buddho bhavi.
12. The monk having taken a bowl made of iron walks through the path
which is full of dust and is heated by the sun.
bhikkhu / aadaaya / ayopatta.m / carati / maggena /
rajoki.n.nena / tattena / suriyena
Ayopatta.m aadaaya bhikkhu suriyena tattena rajoki.n.nena
maggena carati.
13. Today many well-to-do persons fly through the air wherever they
like, as some persons, possessed of supernatural power, did in
olden days.
ajja / bahavo / sukhitaa / manussaa / u.d.denti / nabhasaa /
yattha katthaci / te / icchanti / yathaa / ekaccaa / manussaa /
iddhimantaa / aka.msu / puraa
Ajja yattha katthaci (te) icchanti bahavo sukhitaa manussaa
nabhasaa u.d.denti, yathaa puraa ekaccaa manussaa iddhimantaa
14. The Hindus treat their cattle well and abstain from eating their
hinduu / sa`ngahetvaa / tesaana.m / gaavo / saadhuka.m /
viramanti / bhu~njanasmaa / tesaana.m / ma.msa.m
(Tesaana.m) gaavo saadhuka.m sa`ngahetvaa hinduu tesaana.m
ma.msa.m bhu~njanasmaa viramanti.
15. People perform good or bad actions with body, mind and speech.
manussaa / sampaadenti / kusale / va / akusle / kamme /
kammekaayena ca / vaacaaya ca / cetasaa ca
Manussaa kaayena ca vaacaaya ca cetasaa ca kusale kamme va akusle
kamme sampaadenti.
Please correct me if there is any mistakes.
Yong Peng.