Exercise 6 p34
Translate into English and point out the nouns belonging to the mano-group
1.Dviihi vaa.nijehi yaacito Bhagavaa attano siisato mu.t.thimatte
siroruhe tesa.m adaasi.
two / [by] merchants / begged of / Buddha / his / [from] head /
handful / hair / them / gave
Asked by two merchants, the Buddha gave them a handful of hair from
his head.
Mano-group: siroruha
2.Te Bhagavanta.m sirasaa namassitvaa te siroruhe attano nagara.m
netvaa saroruhaadiihi puujesu.m.
they / [to] Buddha / [with] head / having bowed / they / hair / their
/ city / having taken / [with] lotuses / worshipped
Having bowed with their head to the Buddha, they took his hair to
their city and worshipped them with lotuses.
Mano-group: siroruha; sira; saroruha.
3."Ekuunati.mso vayasaa
Bodhisatto 'bhinikkhami
PaƱcati.mso 'tha vayasaa
Bimbisaaram upaagami." Mhv [Mahaava.msapaa.li, Dutiyapariccheda,
Mahaasammatava.msa, 26 & 27].
29 / [of] age
Bodhisatto / left the household
35 / then / [of] age
Bimbisaara / approached
The Bodhisatta left the household at the age of 29 and then approached
Bimbisaara at the age of 35.
Mano-group: vaya.
4."Gunna~n ce taramaanaana.m
Uju.m gacchati pu'ngavo,
Sabbaa taa uju gacchanti." A. ii, 76 [A'nguttaranikaayo,
Catukkanipaatapaa.li, 2. Dutiyapa.n.naasaka.m, 2. pattakammavaggo, 10.
[among] cattle / if / crossing a stream
straight / goes / chief bull
all / they / straight / go
If among the cattle crossing a stream the chief bull goes straight,
all the cows go straight.
5.Iddhimaa tapodhano payonidhim pi sosetu.m samattho hoti.
Possessed of supernatural power / monk / ocean / even / to dry / able / is
A monk possessed of supernatural power is even able to dry the ocean.
Mano-group: paya; tapa.
6.Mahaanirayo pana ayopaakaarena parikkhitto, ayopidhaanena pihito;
tassa ayomayaa bhuumi tejasaa jalitaa hoti.
Great hell / but / [by] iron rampart / surrounded / [by] iron lid /
shut / its / made of iron / ground / [with] heat / burnt / is
The great hell is surrounded by an iron rampart and shut by an iron
lid; its ground made of iron is burning hot.
Mano-group: aya; teja.
7.Saaka.tikaa gunna.m ti.na.m udaka~n ca datvaa te saka.tesu yojetvaa
saka.te paajentaa Baaraa.nasi.m gacchanti.
carters / [to] cows / grass / water / and / having given / they / [in]
carts / having yoked / carts / driving / Baaraa.nasi / went
Having given the cows grass and water, the carters yoked the carts and
driving them them went to Baaraa.nasi.
8."Manasaa ce padu.t.thena
Bhaasati vaa karoti vaa
Tato na.m dukkham anveti
Cakka.m va vahato pada.m." Dhp. 1.
[with] mind / if / [with] corrupted
speaks / or / does / or
because of that / him / suffering / follows
wheel / like / [of] carrying / foot
If someone speaks or does something with a corrupted mind,
Suffering follows him like the wheel follows the foot of the carrying
9.Manussaa gavamhaa paya.m, payasaa dadhi.m, dadhimhaa sappi~n ca
people / [from] cow / milk / [from] milk / curd /[from] curd / ghi /
and / get
People get milk from cows, curd from milk and ghee from curd.
10.So mettaasahagatena cetasaa eka.m disa.m pharitvaa viharati; tathaa
dutiya.m; tathaa tatiya.m.
he / [with] filled with mettaa / [with] mind / one / direction /
having suffused / dwells / likewise / second / likewise / third
He dwells suffusing one direction with a mind filled with mettaa; then
a second and then a third direction.
Mano-group: ceta.
11.Bhagavati cetopasaadena bahavo janaa mahanta.m dibbasampatti.m
[in] Buddha / [by] gratification / many / beings / great / heavenly
bliss / got
Many people got great heavenly bliss through gratification in the Buddha.
Mano-group: ceta.
12.Bhagavaa nabhasaa La'nkaadiipam aagamma yakkhasamaagamassa upari
nabhasi nisiiditvaa dhammadesanaaya te damesi.
Buddha / [from] sky / Sri Lanka / having approached / [of] meeting of
demons / on top / [on] sky / [with] religious discourse / them / subdued
The Buddha approached Sri Lanka from the sky, sat down in the sky on
top of a meeting of demons and subdued them with a religious discourse.
Mano-group: nabha.
13."Ayasaa' va mala.m samu.t.thita.m
Tat' u.t.thaaya tam eva khaadati." Dhp. 240.
[from] iron / like / rust / arisen
from it / having arisen / that / just / eats
Just like rust coming from the iron eats it when it has arisen.
Mano-group: aya.
14.Vacasaa kata.m kamma.m vaacasika.m, manasaa kata.m kamma.m
maanasika.m naama hoti. [Padarupasiddhi, 5. Taddhitaka.n.da,
[by] word / done / action / verbal / [by] mind / done / action /
mental / name / is
An action done by word is called verbal, an action done by mind is
called mental.
Mano-group: vaca; mana.
15."Yasoladdhaa kho pan' amhaaka.m bhogaa." D. i,118 [Diighanikaayo,
Siilakkhandhavaggapaa.li, 4. So.nada.n.dasutta.m,
Got through fame / indeed / but / our / property
What we got through fame is indeed our property.
Mano-group: yasa.
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