From: johnny pruitt
Message: 10889
Date: 2006-12-06
> Hello group__________________________________________________________
> A while back I inquired into the meaning of some
> basic indeclinable particles. Namely: Kho, Eva, Pi
> and Hi. It was recomended that I look them up in
> the PTS Pali dictionary by Rhys Davis. I did this
> and this is what I came up with.
> Kho is said to be an emphatic affirmative particle.
> In sentences that simply make a statement, it
> usually means indeed or verily. In deductive
> responses it seems to have the meaning of so or
> then. As in the deduction Then he must have went to
> the school.
> Eva seems to be an exclusice particle in that it
> meeans only or just or surely.
> Pi seems to be the opposite of Eva thus it is an
> inclusive and means also, too. It also can mean
> even. The last meaning of Pi seems to be in
> allignment with the first two because in english
> when a person says Even the dog went. We mean to
> include the dog and exclamation.
> The only one I had a problem with was Hi. Sometimes
> it is said to convey the sense of because but at
> other times it is just an emphatic particle. Thus,
> is it just interchangeable with Kho?
> Also I believe I stumbled apon a passage in pali
> where someone expressed thier welcome to a visitor.
> The word was Svagato. Could this be used as a simple
> hello. Or is it simply restricted to welcome. Also
> might someone know of a word for good by? Maybe a
> form of the word namaste?Nammasti Nammasahi?
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