From: joseph
Message: 10864
Date: 2006-11-13
--- In, Piya Tan <dharmafarer@...> wrote:
> Friends in Dharma,
> There is an interesting puzzling passage in the
> Saaman~n~aphala Sutta (D 2) that refers to the
> "knowledge and vision" or insight into the true
> nature of the body and mind. This is the passage:
> "Maharajah, just as if there were a beautiful
> beryl gem of the purest waterÂeight faceted, well
> polished, clear, limpid, consummate in all its
> aspects, and going through the middle of it was a
> blue, yellow, red, white, or brown thread..."
> (D 2.84/1:76)
> "Going through...etc" = tatra vutam. niilam. vaa
> piitam. vaa lohitam. vaa odaatam. vaa
> pan.d.u,suttam. vaa. Rhys Davids tr piitam. here
> as "orange-coloured," and pan.d.u as "yellow"
> (D:RD 1:87), while Bodhi has as "yellow" and
> "brown" respectively (1989:44). Both piita and
> pan.d.u sometimes refer to "yellow." SED
> (Monier-Williams) def pan.d.u as "yellowish
> white, white, pale." Comys offer no explanation.
> The first 4 colours are those of the colour
> kasin.a meditations: see Mahaa Parinibbaana Sutta (D 16.3.29-
32/2:110 f)
> DA explains that "the beryl gem is like the
> material body, and the thread running through it
> is like insight knowledge" (which DAT corrects to
> "insight consciousness," vipassanaa vin~n~aan.a).
> I have two problems:
> (1) The translation of piita and pan.d.u in this
> context: both seem to mean "yellow."
> (2) What do these colours mean or refer to? If we
> follow DA, the coloured thread probably refers to
> the other senses, or more likely the other four
> (ie the formless) aggregates. In that case, I
> think we have to translate pan.d.u as meaning
> "pale" so that we have "pale white," but there is
> neither canonical nor traditional support for this.
> Can anyone help?
> Piya Tan
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]