Friends in Dharma,

The Mahaa Maalunkyaputta (M 64.10-15/1:436) and the Jhaana Sutta (A
9.36/4:423) has this Pali phrase:

etam. santam. etam. pan.iitam.

The context is

etam. santam. etam. pan.iitam. yadidam. sabbasan.khaarasamatho...nibbaanan ti

Bhikkhu Bodhi's early translation is "If he is firm in this"
(Numerical Discourses of the Buddha, 235), and "if he is steady in
that" (M:NB 541, ie N~aan.amoli & Bodhi's tr of Majjhima).

The passage is about how the aggregates should be regarded in terms
of the three characteristics even throught the 4 jhanas and the 3
lower formless attainments.

Any comments on these translations, or a better suggestion?
