From: Ole Holten Pind Message: 10775 Date: 2006-09-25
Fra: [] På vegne af Khemaramsi
Sendt: 25. september 2006 05:11
Til: Pali Group
Emne: [Pali] Anvaye why locative
The reason is that is constructed with the locative: knowledge about anvaya connection or joint presence (as opposed to joint absence) of the invariable characteristics of the khandhas, at present in the past and in the future.
Ole Pind
Dear friends
‘Anvaye’ is usually translated as ‘inferrential knowledge’. While ‘anvaya’ menas ‘following’, ‘imitation’, ‘course’ and ‘conformity’, I am more curious why locative is used here. Does it denote ‘cause’ or ‘relation’ or something else? I deeply appreciate any help and comment.
With metta
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