From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 10636
Date: 2006-08-01
> There is a wordform called 'taddhita' in Paali. there is many kind[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> of that
> taddhita. Taddhita is a way to confine word/s by substitution of
> particles. those particle have their meanings. one particle can
> represent
> many meanings or on contrary many particle can represent one
> meaning.
> Jhaano is from '.N' (or 'a' with stressing of first syllable)
> particle which
> to represent meaning 'who has'.
> 'Jhaana.m assa atthiiti jhaano'
> = the one who has jhaana is called jhaano (jhaano is in first singular
> masculine derivation form, like nara to be naro).
> jhana is a noun, but after in form of taddhita it become adjective to
> qualify a noun and the gender is following on the noun it is hang at.
> besides above. I'd like to discuss about the meaning of jhaana. is
> absorbtion the proper translation of it? in my view, jhaana is a
> composing energy of mind attentiveness on one object. So, the
> translation staring or contemplating is more agreeable than absorbing.