Dear Dhammadhiro (Venerable?),

D: "Let me try to answer your Q"


D: "There is a wordform called 'taddhita' in Paali. there is many
kind of that taddhita. Taddhita is a way to confine word/s by
substitution of particles. those particle have their meanings. one
particle can represent many meanings or on contrary many particle can
represent one meaning. Jhaano is from '.N' (or 'a' with stressing of
first syllable) particle which to represent meaning 'who has'.
'Jhaana.m assa atthiiti jhaano'= the one who has jhaana is called
jhaano (jhaano is in first singular masculine derivation form, like
nara to be naro). jhana is a noun, but after in form of taddhita it
become adjective to qualify a noun and the gender is following on the
noun it is hang at."

"Jhaano," then is an adjective in the vagga in question. It refers to
bhikkhu. It is saying that one must "have" jhaana all the time. I
agree, there must be different senses or meanings to this jhaana used
this way.

