AN1.18.1-181 Aparaaccharaasa`nghaata Vagga (1/4)

From: Ong Yong Peng
Message: 10487
Date: 2006-05-28

Dear Nina and friends,

the first instalment of Aparaaccharaasa`nghaata Vagga:

1. "Accharaasa`nghaatamattampi ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu pa.thama.m
jhaana.m bhaaveti, aya.m vuccati, bhikkhave -- 'bhikkhu arittajjhaano
viharati, satthusaasanakaro ovaadapatikaro, amogha.m ra.t.thapi.n.da.m
bhu~njati'. Ko pana vaado ye na.m bahuliikarontii"ti!

2-8. "Accharaasa`nghaatamattampi ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dutiya.m
jhaana.m bhaaveti tatiya.m jhaana.m bhaaveti
catuttha.m jhaana.m bhaaveti metta.m cetovimutti.m bhaaveti cetovimutti.m bhaaveti mudita.m
cetovimutti.m bhaaveti upekkha.m cetovimutti.m bhaaveti

9-12. Kaaye kaayaanupassii viharati aataapii sampajaano satimaa
vineyya loke abhijjhaadomanassa.m; vedanaasu vedanaanupassii viharati citte cittaanupassii viharati dhammesu
dhammaanupassii viharati aataapii sampajaano satimaa vineyya loke

13-16. Anuppannaana.m paapakaana.m akusalaana.m dhammaana.m
anuppaadaaya chanda.m janeti vaayamati viiriya.m aarabhati citta.m
pagga.nhaati padahati; uppannaana.m paapakaana.m akusalaana.m
dhammaana.m pahaanaaya chanda.m janeti vaayamati viiriya.m aarabhati
citta.m pagga.nhaati padahati. Anuppannaana.m kusalaana.m dhammaana.m
uppaadaaya chanda.m janeti vaayamati viiriya.m aarabhati citta.m
pagga.nhaati padahati; uppannaana.m kusalaana.m dhammaana.m .thitiyaa
asammosaaya bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya bhaavanaaya paaripuuriyaa
chanda.m janeti vaayamati viiriya.m aarabhati citta.m pagga.nhaati

17-20. Chandasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata.m iddhipaada.m
bhaaveti... viiriyasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata.m
iddhipaada.m bhaaveti... cittasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata.m
iddhipaada.m bhaaveti...
viima.msaasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata.m iddhipaada.m


1. "Accharaasa`nghaatamattampi ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu pa.thama.m
jhaana.m bhaaveti, aya.m vuccati, bhikkhave --
even for only one moment / if / monks / monk / first / jhana /
develops / this / is said / monks
"Even for only one moment, O monks, if a monk developed the first
jhana, monks, this is said --

accharaasa`nghaatamattampi [sandhi] accharaasa`nghaatamatta.m pi: even
for only one moment.
- accharaasa`nghaatamatta = accharaa-sa`nghaata-matta: momentary, only
for one moment.
-- accharaasa`nghaata: lit. snapping of the fingers.
- pi (indec) even, just so.
ce (particle) if.
bhikkhu (m) monk.
pa.thama (adj) first.
jhaana (n) jhana.
bhaaveti (v) develops.
aya.m (dem pron) this.
vuccati (passive of vatti) is called, said, spoken.

'bhikkhu arittajjhaano viharati, satthusaasanakaro ovaadapatikaro,
amogha.m ra.t.thapi.n.da.m bhu~njati'.
monk / not free of jhana / dwells / complying with the teachings of
one's teacher / deliberating the instructions / not in vain / food
from the people / eats
'Complying with the Buddha's teachings and thinking about the
exhortations, the monk dwells absorbed in jhana (and) eats food,
(considered) well-spent, from the people.'

arittajjhaana = arittassa jhaana (adj) not free of jhana.
- aritta = na ritta.
-- ritta (pp of ri~ncati) devoid, empty, free, rid of.
viharati (v) lives, dwells.
satthusaasanakara = satthussa saasanakara (adj) complying with the
teachings of one's teacher.
- satthu (m) teacher.
- saasanakara (adj) complying with one's order or teaching.
ovaadapatikara = ovaadapa.tikara (adj) deliberating the instructions.
- ovaada (m) advice, instruction, admonition, exhortation.
- pa.tikara (adj) counteracting, redressing, expiating.
amogha = na mogha (adj) not in vain, not futile.
- mogha (adj) empty, vain, useless, stupid, foolish.
ra.t.thapi.n.da = ra.t.thassa pi.n.da (m) food from the people.
- ra.t.tha (n) country.
- pi.n.da (m) alms given as food.
bhu~njati (v) eats, partakes.

Ko pana vaado ye na.m bahuliikarontii"ti!
what / further / speaking / whoever / that / practise
Whoever practise that, what else need to be said!"

ko (interr pron) what? who?
pana (indec) but, however, further.
vaada (m) speaking, talk.
ye (rel pron) who.
na.m (dem pron) that.
bahuliikaroti (v) takes up seriously, practises, devotes oneself to.


2-8. "Accharaasa`nghaatamattampi ce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu dutiya.m
jhaana.m bhaaveti tatiya.m jhaana.m bhaaveti
catuttha.m jhaana.m bhaaveti metta.m cetovimutti.m bhaaveti cetovimutti.m bhaaveti mudita.m
cetovimutti.m bhaaveti upekkha.m cetovimutti.m bhaaveti
even for only one moment / if / monks / monk / second / jhana /
develops / and so on / third / jhana / develops / and so on / fourth /
jhana / develops / and so on / loving-kindness / liberation of the
mind / develops / and so on / compassion / liberation of the mind /
develops / and so on / altruistic joy / liberation of the mind /
develops / and so on / equanimity / liberation of the mind / develops
/ and so on
"Even for only one moment, O monks, if a monk developed the second
jhana, the third jhana, the fourth jhana, or developed loving-kindness
to the liberation of the mind, or compassion, altruistic joy or
equanimity to the liberation of the mind, ..."

dutiya (adj) second.
tatiya (adj) third.
catuttha (adj) fourth.
metta (n) loving-kindness.
cetovimutti = cittassa vimutti (f) liberation of the mind.
- citta (n) mind.
- vimutti (f) release, liberation.
karu.naa (f) compassion.
muditaa (f) altruistic joy.
upekkhaa (f) equanimity.


9-12. Kaaye kaayaanupassii viharati aataapii sampajaano satimaa
vineyya loke abhijjhaadomanassa.m;
in body / contemplating the body / dwells / ardent / mindful /
contemplative / should remove / in world / covetousness and displeasure
Ardent, mindful and contemplative, (he) dwells contemplating the body
in the body, (and) should remove covetousness and displeasure in the

kaaya (m) body.
kaayaanupassin = kaaya.m anupassin (adj) contemplating the body.
- anupassin (adj) contemplating.
aataapin (adj) ardent, zealous, strenuous, active.
sampajaana (adj) thoughtful, mindful, attentive, deliberate.
satimant (adj) mindful, thoughtful, contemplative, pensive.
vineti (v) removes, puts away, gives up.
loka (m) world.
abhijjhaadomanassa = abhijjhaa ca domanassa ca (n) covetousness and
- abhijjhaa (f) covetousness.
- domanassa (n) displeasure.

vedanaasu vedanaanupassii viharati citte cittaanupassii
viharati dhammesu dhammaanupassii viharati aataapii
sampajaano satimaa vineyya loke abhijjhaadomanassa.m.
in feelings / contemplating feelings / dwells / and so on / in mind /
contemplating the mind / dwells / and so on / phenomena /
contemplating phenomena / dwells / ardent / mindful / contemplative /
should remove / in world / covetousness and displeasure
ardent, mindful and contemplative, (he) dwells contemplating feelings
in feelings, contemplating the mind in the mind, contemplating
phenomena in phenomena, (and) should remove covetousness and
displeasure in the world.

vedanaa (f) feeling.
vedanaanupassin = vedana.m anupassin (adj) contemplating feelings.
cittaanupassin = citta.m anupassin (adj) contemplating the mind.
dhamma (m) phenomenon.
dhammaanupassin = dhamma.m anupassin (adj) contemplating phenomena.


13-16. Anuppannaana.m paapakaana.m akusalaana.m dhammaana.m
anuppaadaaya chanda.m janeti vaayamati viiriya.m aarabhati citta.m
pagga.nhaati padahati;
not arisen / wicked / not good / of thoughts / for non-rising /
resolution / makes / endeavours / effort / exerts / mind / applies /
(One) endeavours (and) makes the resolution (and) effort to apply
(and) exert the mind for the non-rising of wicked (and) unwholesome
thoughts not arisen;

anuppanna = na uppanna (adj) not arisen.
- na (adv) not.
- uppanna (pp of uppajjati) born, reborn, arisen, produced.
paapaka (adj) bad, wicked.
akusala = na kusala (adj) not good.
- kusala (adj) good.
anuppaada = na uppaada (m) not rising.
- uppaada (m) rising.
chanda (m) will, resolution.
janeti (caus of janati) produces, causes.
vaayamati (v) endeavours.
viiriya = viriya (n) energy, effort.
aarabhati (v) exerts.
pagga.nhaati (v) applies.
padahati (v) strives, exerts.

uppannaana.m paapakaana.m akusalaana.m dhammaana.m pahaanaaya chanda.m
janeti vaayamati viiriya.m aarabhati citta.m pagga.nhaati padahati.
arisen / wicked / not good / of thoughts / for abandoning / resolution
/ makes / endeavours / effort / exerts / mind / applies / exerts
(one) endeavours (and) makes the resolution (and) effort to apply
(and) exert the mind for the abandoning of wicked (and) unwholesome
thoughts arisen.

pahaana (n) abandoning.

Anuppannaana.m kusalaana.m dhammaana.m uppaadaaya chanda.m janeti
vaayamati viiriya.m aarabhati citta.m pagga.nhaati padahati;
not arisen / good / of thoughts / for rising / resolution / makes /
endeavours / effort / exerts / mind / applies / exerts
(One) endeavours (and) makes the resolution (and) effort to apply
(and) exert the mind for the rising of wholesome thoughts not arisen;

uppannaana.m kusalaana.m dhammaana.m .thitiyaa asammosaaya
bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya bhaavanaaya paaripuuriyaa chanda.m janeti
vaayamati viiriya.m aarabhati citta.m pagga.nhaati padahati.
arisen / good / of thoughts / for continuity / for non-confusion / for
further development / for full development / for cultivation / for
completion / resolution / makes / endeavours / effort / exerts / mind
/ applies / exerts
(one) endeavours (and) makes the resolution (and) effort to apply
(and) exert the mind for the continuity, non-confusion, further
development, full development, cultivation and completion of wholesome
thoughts arisen.

.thiti (f) stability, continuity.
asammosa = na sammosa (m) non-confusion.
- sammosa (m) confusion.
bhiyyobhaava (m) further development.
- bhiyyo (adj) further.
- bhaava (m) becoming.
vepulla (n) full development, abundance, plenty, fullness.
bhaavanaa (f) cultivation.
paaripuurii (f) fulfilment, completion.


17-20. Chandasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata.m iddhipaada.m
bhaaveti... viiriyasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata.m
iddhipaada.m bhaaveti... cittasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata.m
iddhipaada.m bhaaveti...
viima.msaasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata.m iddhipaada.m
comprised of volitional effort on the concentration of resolution /
basis of power / develops / comprised of volitional effort on the
concentration of energy / basis of power / develops / comprised of
volitional effort on the concentration of the mind / basis of power /
develops / comprised of volitional effort on the concentration of
investigation / basis of power / develops
Develops the basis of power comprising volitional effort on the
concentration of resolution, energy, the mind and investigation...

chandasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata (adj) comprised of
volitional effort on the concentration of resolution.
- samaadhi (m) concentration.
- padhaana (n) exertion, effort.
- sa`nkhaara (m) volition.
- samannaagata (adj) followed by, possessed of.
iddhipaada = iddhiyaa paada (m) basis of power.
- iddhi (f) power.
- paada (m) foot, base, basis.
viiriyasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata (adj) comprised of
volitional effort on the concentration of energy.
cittasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata (adj) comprised of
volitional effort on the concentration of the mind.
viima.msaasamaadhipadhaanasa`nkhaarasamannaagata (adj) comprised of
volitional effort on the concentration of investigation.
- viima.msaa (f) consideration, investigation.

Please correct me if there is any mistake.

Yong Peng.

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