Dear Group,
We had a question about the difference between these two terms.
Anyone have ideas?
Bodhi page 770 note 156 Nidanvagga samyutta nikaya
"Because this body is seen standing for a 100 years or even longer"
SPK(Query) Why does the Blessed one say this? Isn't it true that the
physical form present in the first period of life doen't last
through to the middle period, and the form present in the middle
period does not last through to the last period?..Isn't it true that
formations break up right on the spot, stage by stage, section by
section, just as sesame seeds pop when thrown on a hot pan? (Reply)
this is true but the body is said to endure for a long time in
continuous sequence (pavenivasena) just as a lamp is said to to burn
all night as a connected continuity (pavenisambandhavasena) even
though the flame ceases right where it burns without passing over to
the next section of the wick.
Dear Robert, Phil, All,
Regarding the terms "pavenivasana" and "pavenisambandhavasena:"
These are rendered "continuous sequence" and "connected continuity."
Can you please compare and contrast these phrases?