1.Hiiyo arañña.m gato so puriso ahinaa da.t.tho mari.
yesterday / [to] forest / gone / that / man / [from] serpent / bitten
/ died
Yesterday the man went to the forest, was bitten by a serpent and died.

2.Rukkhato oti.n.naa pakkhii daarakena sakkharaahi hataa honti.
[from] trees / descended / birds / [by] boy / [with] gravels / killed
/ are
The birds which have descended from the trees are killed with gravels
by the boy.

3.Purisena pharasunaa chinno so rukkho tassa gehassa upari pati.
[by] man / [with] axe / cut / that / tree / his / [of] house / on / fell
That tree which was cut by a man with an axe, fell on his house.

4.Gaamato nikkhantaa taa gaaviyo khette ti.na.m khaaditvaa vaapito
jala.m pivissanti.
from the village / that have come out / those / cows / [in] field /
grass / having eaten / from the tank / water / will drink
Those cows that have come out from the village will eat grass in the
field and drink water from the tank.

5.Vaa.nijehi nagarato aaha.taani bhandaani imesu gaamesu manussehi
kiitaani (honti).
[by] merchants / from the city / brought / goods / [in] these /
villages / [by] men / bought / are
The goods that have been brought from the city by the merchants are
bought by men in these villages.

6.Taaya kaññaaya pakka.m odana.m a.tavito aagataa tassaa bhaataro
bhuñjitvaa sayissanti.
[by] that / girl / cooked / rice / from the forest / come / her /
brothers / having eaten / will sleep
The rice cooked by that girl will be eaten by her brothers who will
come from the forest and will sleep.

7.Pitaraa vutta.m anussarantii saa yuvatii taaya laddha.m dhana.m
ga.nhitu.m na icchi.
[by] father / told / remembering / that / maiden / [from] her /
received / wealth / to take / not / wished
Remembering what her father told that maiden did not wish to take the
wealth she received.

8.Ekena hatthinaa chinna.m saakha.m aññaa hatthiniyo gahetvaa khaadi.msu.
[by] one / [by] elephant / cut / branch / other / she-elephants /
having taken / ate
Having taken the branch cut by one elephant, other she-elephants ate it.