From: Ole Holten Pind Message: 9984 Date: 2006-02-14
Dear Tzungkuen
< My question is, does this concept of saadhana or its
like occur in Sanskrit grammar too? Is it illustrated
in Panini's grammar? Or is it just an invention of
Pali grammarians (of Burmese tradition)? >
saadhana denotes a means of realisation of a verbal action. It is basically
identical in meaning with the term kaaraka of classical Sanskrit grammar,
and it stems from Sanskrit grammar. It does not occur in Paaninis grammar,
but stems from post-Paanini Sanskrit grammar. For instance, you will find
that the great Sanskrit grammarian Bhartrhari devotes a chapter in his
Vaakyapadiiya viz. chapter three part seven to the description of the
saadhanas = kaarakas..