Dear Dr. Pind and friends

In his sheet on 'Primary Derivative' Ven. Pandita
mentions 'saadhana', suffixal cases. According ot
which, with different saadhana, a stem formed by
adding a primary suffix to a root might have at most 7
meanings. The example given is 'daana' (daa + ana),
which could mean
1 the one who gives
2 the one which is given
3 the one by/with which one gives
4 the one to which one gives
5 the place where or the time when one gives
6 the action of giving

My question is, does this concept of saadhana or its
like occur in Sanskrit grammar too? Is it illustrated
in Panini's grammar? Or is it just an invention of
Pali grammarians (of Burmese tradition)?

with metta


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