1. "Naaha.m, bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami yena
anuppannaa vaa akusalaa dhammaa uppajjanti uppannaa vaa akusalaa
dhammaa bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya sa.mvattanti yathayida.m,
bhikkhave, micchaadi.t.thi.
not I / monks / another / even one phenomenon / perceive / by which /
non-arisen / or / unwholesome / thoughts / arise / arisen / or /
unwholesome / thoughts / to multiplication / to full development /
lead to / as just this / monks / wrong views
"O monks, I do not perceive even one other phenomenon by which non-
arisen unwholesome thoughts surface or arisen unwholesome thoughts
lead to fully magnified development as just this, monks: wrong views.
naaha.m = na aha.m [sandhi] not I.
- na (neg) not.
- aha.m (pron) I.
bhikkhu (m) monk.
a~n~na.m (pron) another.
ekadhammampi = eka-dhamma pi [sandhi] even one phenomenon.
- eka (adj) one.
- dhamma (n) thing, phenomenon.
- pi (ind, emphatic) even, just so.
samanupassati (v) to perceive.
yena (rel pron) by which.
anuppanna = na uppanna (adj) not born.
- uppanna (pp of uppajjati) born.
vaa (conj) or.
akusala = na kusala (adj) unwholesome.
- kusala (adj) good, wholesome.
uppajjati (v) is born, arises.
bhiyyobhaava = bhiyyo bhaava (adj) getting more, increase,
- bhiyyo (adj) more.
- bhaava (m) condition, nature.
vepulla (n) full development, abundance, plenty, fullness.
sa.mvattati (v) leads to, is useful for.
yathayida.m = yathaa ida.m (adv) as just this.
micchaadi.t.thi (f) wrong views.
Micchaadi.t.thikassa, bhikkhave, anuppannaa ceva akusalaa dhammaa
uppajjanti uppannaa ca akusalaa dhammaa bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya
for having wrong views / monks / non-arisen / and so / unwholesome /
thoughts / arise / arisen / and / unwholesome / thoughts / to
multiplication / to full development / lead to
So, for having wrong views, monks, non-arisen unwholesome thoughts
surface and arisen unwholesome thoughts lead to fully magnified
micchaadi.t.thika (adj) having wrong views.
ceva = ca eva (sandhi) and so.
- ca (conj) and.
- eva (adv) so, even, just.
2. "Naaha.m, bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami yena
anuppannaa vaa kusalaa dhammaa uppajjanti uppannaa vaa kusalaa
dhammaa bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya sa.mvattanti yathayida.m,
bhikkhave, sammaadi.t.thi.
not I / monks / another / even one phenomenon / perceive / by which /
non-arisen / or / wholesome / thoughts / arise / arisen / or /
wholesome / thoughts / to multiplication / to full development / lead
to / as just this / monks / right views.
"O monks, I do not perceive even one other phenomenon by which non-
arisen wholesome thoughts surface or arisen wholesome thoughts lead
to fully magnified development as just this, monks: right views.
sammaadi.t.thi (f) right views.
Sammaadi.t.thikassa, bhikkhave, anuppannaa ceva kusalaa dhammaa
uppajjanti uppannaa ca kusalaa dhammaa bhiyyobhaavaaya vepullaaya
for having right views / monks / non-arise / and so / wholesome /
thoughts / arise / arisen / and / wholesome / thoughts / to
multiplication / to full development / lead to
So, for having right views, monks, non-arisen wholesome thoughts
surface and arisen wholesome thoughts lead to fully magnified
3. "Naaha.m, bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami yena
anuppannaa vaa kusalaa dhammaa nuppajjanti uppannaa vaa kusalaa
dhammaa parihaayanti yathayida.m, bhikkhave, micchaadi.t.thi.
not I / monks / another / even one phenomenon / perceive / by which /
non-arisen / or / wholesome / thoughts / do not arise / arisen / or /
wholesome / thoughts / subside / as just this / monks / wrong views
"O monks, I do not perceive even one other phenomenon by which non-
arisen wholesome things do not arise or arisen wholesome thoughts
subside as just this, monks: wrong views.
parihaayati (v) decays, dwindles.
Micchaadi.t.thikassa, bhikkhave, anuppannaa ceva kusalaa dhammaa
nuppajjanti uppannaa ca kusalaa dhammaa parihaayantii"ti.
for having wrong views / monks / non-arisen / and so / wholesome /
thoughts / do not arise / arisen / and / wholesome / thoughts /
So, for having wrong views, monks, non-arisen wholesome thoughts do
not arise and arisen wholesome thoughts subside."
4. "Naaha.m, bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami yena
anuppannaa vaa akusalaa dhammaa nuppajjanti uppannaa vaa akusalaa
dhammaa parihaayanti yathayida.m, bhikkhave, sammaadi.t.thi.
not I / monks / another / even one phenomenon / perceive / by which /
non-arisen / or / unwholesome / thoughts / do not arise / arisen /
or / unwholesome / thoughts / subside / as just this / monks / right
"O monks, I do not perceive even one other phenomenon by which non-
arise unwholesome thoughts do not arise or arisen unwholesome
thoughts subside as just this, monks: right views.
Sammaadi.t.thikassa, bhikkhave, anuppannaa ceva akusalaa dhammaa
nuppajjanti uppannaa ca akusalaa dhammaa parihaayantii"ti.
for having right views / monks / non-arisen / and so / unwholesome /
thoughts / do not arise / arisen / and / unwholesome / thoughts /
So, for having right views, monks, non-arisen unwholesome thoughts do
not arise and arisen unwholesome thoughts subside."
Please correct me if there is any mistake. Thank you.
Yong Peng.
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