From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 9520
Date: 2005-12-05
> Upagacchati is tricky. While I don't think it is, I hope someone can
> confirm whether upagacchati is governed by the Ablative? Also, the
> word sa`nkhaara may need further explanation.
> A`nguttara Nikaya: Ekaka Nipaata------
> A.t.thaana
> Pa.thama Vagga
> Pa.thama Vagga
> first / part
> The First Part
> 1. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
> puggalo ka~nci sa`nkhaara.m niccato upagaccheyya.
> not this position / monks / not a chance / which / endowed with right
> views / person / any / determination / from permanent / should
> approach
> "This is not the standpoint, monks: there is not a chance that,
> endowed with right views, a person should consider any determination
> as permanent.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 3. "A.t.thaanameta.m, bhikkhave, anavakaaso ya.m di.t.thisampanno
> puggalo ka~nci dhamma.m attato upagaccheyya.
> not this position / monks / not a chance / which / endowed with right
> views / person / any / thing / from own / should approach
> "This is not the standpoint, monks: there is not a chance that,
> endowed with right views, a person should consider anything as his
> own.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------