From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 9481
Date: 2005-12-02
> Dear Dmytro,
>> adukkhamasukhaa upekkhaasatipaarisuddhim catuttha.m jhaanaaa
>> upasampajja viharati.
> The term upekkhaasatipaarisuddhim is somewhat pblematic. The commentators
> understand it to means that satipaarisuddhi.m is generated by upekkhaa. Now
> suttanipaata 1107 reads upekhaasatisa.msuddha.m which the Niddesa
> understands to mean purity of upekkhaa and sati (upekkhaa ca sati ca suddhaa
> honti). The two terms are evidently related It seems to me that this old
> understanding of the term - possibly older than the interpretation found in
> the Vibha.nga - should betaken into consideration, when discussing the
> nature of the mental state this term describes, it is, as we know, used in
> the context of the forth jhaana.