Dear Yong Peng,
op 21-08-2005 12:57 schreef Ong Yong Peng op

> 6. "Appamattikaa esaa, bhikkhave, parihaani yadida.m ~naatiparihaani.

> "Having an insignificant measure this loss (is), monks, that is, the
> loss of a relative.
N: For the English I prefer: Of slight account is the loss of a relative.
Y.P.: Eta.m patiki.t.tha.m, bhikkhave, parihaaniina.m yadida.m
> pa~n~naaparihaanii"ti.
> Of losses, this (is) miserable, monks, that is, the loss of wisdom."
N: Worst is the loss of wisdom, monks.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
Y.P.: 7. "Appamattikaa esaa, bhikkhave, vuddhi yadida.m ~naativuddhi.

> "Having an insignificant measure this gain (is), monks, that is, the
> gain of a relative.
N: PTS has: Of slight account is the increase of such things as relatives.
Remark: I find all these repetitions about the value of wisdom, more
important than any other gain, and the conditions for the arising of it very
impressive. Reminders by way of repetition are very effective.