From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 8506
Date: 2005-08-10
> here is the second and last part of the Viiriyaarambhaadi Vagga.>subside as just this, monks: improper consideration.
> 6. "Naaha.m, bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami yena
> anuppannaa vaa akusalaa dhammaa uppajjanti uppannaa vaa kusalaa
> dhammaa parihaayanti yathayida.m, bhikkhave, ayonisomanasikaaro.
> "Monks, I cannot identify even one other phenomenon by which non-
> arisen unwholesome thoughts arise, or arisen wholesome thoughts
> - ayoniso = na yoniso (adv) unwisely, not thoroughly, improperly.------------
> -- yoniso (abl of yoni, adv) wisely, thoroughly, properly.
> - manasikaara (n) attention, pondering, fixed thought.
> anuppannaa vaa akusalaa dhammaa uppajjanti uppannaa vaa kusalaa-------
> dhammaa parihaayanti yathayida.m, bhikkhave, asampaja~n~na.m.
> "Monks, I cannot identify even one other phenomenon by which non-
> arisen unwholesome thoughts arise, or arisen wholesome thoughts
>subside as just this, monks: inattention.
> asampaja~n~na = na sampaja~n~na (n) inattention.
> - sampaja~n~na (n) attention, consideration, discrimination,
> comprehension, circumspection.
> arisen wholesome thoughts arise, or arisen unwholesome thoughts-----
> subside as just this, monks: attention.
>YP: 10. "Naaha.m, bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami yena
> anuppannaa vaa akusalaa dhammaa uppajjanti uppannaa vaa kusalaa-------
> dhammaa parihaayanti yathayida.m, bhikkhave, paapamittataa.
> "Monks, I cannot identify even one other phenomenon by which non-
> arisen unwholesome thoughts arise, or arisen wholesome thoughts
>subside as just this, monks: evil association.
> paapamittataa [K] paapaa mittataa (f) evil friendship.*****
> - paapa (adj) evil, bad, wicked.
> - mittataa (f) friendship.