From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 8243 Date: 2005-07-13
An Elementary Pali Course
Exercise 23-A: Translate into English.
2. "Annado balado hoti - vatthado hoti va.n.nado.
a giver of food / a giver of strength / is /
a giver of clothes / is / a giver of beauty
A giver of food is a giver of strength, a giver of clothes
is a giver of beauty.
Yaanado sukhado hoti - diipado hoti cakkhudo."
a giver of vehicle / a giver of ease / is /
a giver of lamp / is / a giver of vision
A giver of vehicle is a giver of ease, a giver of light
is a giver of vision.
3. Maggo atthi maggiko n'atthi, gamana.m atthi gamako n'atthi,
kamma.m atthi kaarako n'atthi.
path / is / traveller / is not / going / is / goer / is not /
deed / is / doer / is not
There is a path but not a traveller, there is a journey but
not a voyager, there is a deed but not a doer.
4. "Dhammapiiti sukha.m seti*."
he who drinks the Dhamma / is at ease
He who rejoices in the Dhamma is at ease.
dhammapiiti [Vr]
5. "Dhammacaarii sukha.m seti* - asmi.m loke paramhi ca."
he who acts righteously / is happy / in this / in world /
in other / and
The Dhammafarer lives happily, in this world and the next.