From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 7764 Date: 2005-06-02
An Elementary Pali Course
Exercise 21-A: Translate into English.
5. Sudesita.m Buddhadhamma.m ugga.nhaami yathaabala.m.
well-preached / Buddha's doctrine / (I) learn /
according to strength
I learn the well-preached doctrine of the Buddha according
to my strength.
6. Sabbe devamanussaa manussaloke vaa devaloke vaa yathaakamma.m
all / gods and men / human world or / heavenly world or /
according to deeds / are born
All gods and men are born in the human world or
the heavenly world according to deeds.
devamanussaa = devaa ca manussaa ca [D]
yathaakamma.m = yathaa-kamma [A]
7. *Taav'aaha.m Paa.libhaasa.m ugga.nhaami.
still-I / Pali language / learn
I still learn the Pali language.
Api ca kho pana** tassa bhaasaaya pa.tilekhana.m likhitu.m
nevertheless / his / in language / letter in reply /
to write / strive
Nevertheless, (I) strive to write a letter in reply
in his language.
8. Tass'antevaasikaa gaamanigamesu vicaritvaa suriyodaye***
his-pupils / in villages and market towns / having wandered /
at sunrise / [at] city / arrived
His pupils, having wandered in villages and hamlets,
reached the city at sunrise.
antevaasikaa = ante-vaasikaa [T]
gaamanigamesu = gaamesu ca nigamesu ca [D]
* taava = still
** api ca kho pana = nevertheless
*** See Lesson 24