From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 7789 Date: 2005-06-03
An Elementary Pali Course
Exercise 21-A: Translate into English.
Dear friends, please help to construct sentence #10. Thanks.
9. Senaapatiputto anupubbena tassa ra.t.the senaapati ahosi.
general's son / in course of time / his / in country /
general / became
In the course of time, the general's son became the general
in his country.
10. "Iti h'eta.m vijaanaahi pa.thamo so paraabhavo."
thus / indeed-this / may (you) learn / first / he / ruin
paraabhavo = paraa-bhavo [A]
11. Duranubodha.m abhidhamma.m yathaabala.m pa.n.ditaa-sotuuna.m
desetu.m va.t.tati*.
difficult to understand / higher Doctrine /
according to strength / to wise hearers / to preach / it is fit
It is fit to preach to the wise hearers according to (their)
strength the higher Doctrine (which is) difficult to understand.
12. Uparaajaa pa.tiraajaana.m abhibhavitu.m upanagara.m gato.
viceroy / hostile kings / to overcome / [to] suburb / is gone
The viceroy is gone to the suburb to overcome the hostile kings.
13. Sattasattaaha.m so niraahaaro'va vane vasi.
seven-seven-day / he / without food-so / in forest / lived
So he lived seven weeks in the forest without food.