From: Kumaara Bhikkhu
Message: 7687
Date: 2005-05-28
>It has been pointed out here that bhikkhus are not"Dealing with money" is a rather ambiguous way of summarising all the Vinaya rules related to money.
>permitted to deal with money (although in Sri Lanka, I
>have got the impression that they can sit on the seats
>"For Clergy" in the buses only if they pay); and how
>is it possible to be a member of an organization
>deciding about the national budget without dealing
>with money?
>I have understood that a consequence of theIn a way, this is correct. But if a monk choose to make use of the Mendaka Allowance, some degree of responsibility falls on the bhikkhu.
>prohibition for bhikkhus dealing with money must be
>that all economical responsibility is resting with the
>laity. Is this correct?