From: Yuttadhammo
Message: 7318
Date: 2005-04-29
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Ong Yong Peng
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 5:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Pali] Re: Pali Day by Day 4/27/2005 [D152]
> Dear Ven. Yuttadhammo and friends,
> Bhante: thanks for the correction. I have uploaded the solutions here:
> Once again, thanks for your offer. We now have about 15MB
> space under the Yahoo! files section. There is no need for
> extra space. Even if I want it :-) there is no immediate use
> of it. I am happy for your good karma though. There are
> actually some duplicates among the files, if you notice,
> which I will consider removing as more of the new ones come in.
> At this point, I also like to say that anyone who likes to
> make available any of these materials, as well as the Pali
> exercises I put on, is more than welcome to do
> so. There will be no need to provide any source reference,
> although it will be appreciated.
> metta,
> Yong Peng.
> --- In, Yuttadhammo wrote:
> I just accessed your geocities site, and I would like to
> again make an offer of giving you space on my server, whether
> it is of interest to you. I could make a new
> ""
> or "" or whatever you like. And
> there is now over 200 MB of space I'm not using (my wonderful
> host has just upgraded to 500 MB and seven
> subdomains per account - what kind of good karma did I do to
> deserve this? na jaanaami). Please let me know.
> As for Pali Day by Day, just one comment:
> > 13. Daughters, you should not do evil, nor cause others to do evil.
> > Dhiitaro, tumhe papa.m na kareyyaatha vaa na kaaraapeyyaatha.
> >
> > 14. The monks should neither dig the ground nor cause others
> > to dig the ground.
> > Bhikkhavo bhuumi.m na kha.neyyu.m vaa na kha.naapeyyu.m.
> In the paa.timokkha, we chant "n'eva uddhareyya na uddharapeyya"
> meaning "should he neither remove it nor cause it to be
> removed". I think this is the common way of saying neither... nor...
> So, I would suggest:
> 13. Dhiitaro, tumhe paapa.m n'eva kareyyaatha na kaaraapeyyaatha.
> 14. Bhikkhavo bhuumi.m n'eva kha.neyyu.m na kha.naapeyyu.m.
> Also note that papa.m should probably be paapa.m or else I
> think it means "should not make water" :)
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