From: paulocuana
Message: 7319
Date: 2005-04-29
> Dear Maciek, Paul and friends,standard
> what I meant was that MS Word can only correctly convert the
> ASCII characters. This is based on the very limited experience Ihad
> many years back.converter
> MS Word can easily import all WP documents, with the WP 5.x
> installed. However, even after resurrection, non-ASCII charactersdocument,
> would be illegible.
> I hope that with your help, Paul will be able to solve his problem
> quickly. What can be done is, instead of sending you a full
> Paul can send you a list of the Pali (and any other) characterswhich
> need the macro's help, as a WP document. For example, it may lookto
> like:
> AA --- @
> aa --- ë
> II --- í
> ii --- ç
> It's a simple suggestion. And I shall leave it to you how you want
> work it out.a
> metta,
> Yong Peng.
> --- In, Maciej St. Zieba wrote:
> 1) Unfortunately, contrary to what Ong Yong Peng writes, MS Word
> versions higher (later) than 6.0 (95) convert WordPerfect 5.1 (and
> also WPWin 6-7-8-9-10; I wasn't able to check version 11-12)
> INCORRECTLY, by default (no doubt, by premeditation). It works
> correctly with characters for CP 437 and 850, but incorrectly for
> most of other CP's, which means also for Pali characters. Creating
> macro within MS DOS of course can solve the problem but if you aremacros
> used to WordPerfect philosophy, you'll probably prefer having
> within WordPerfect. And believe me, WordPerfect Macros are more
> reliable than MSWord macros.