From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 6700
Date: 2005-03-03
>N: It is often translated as craving, but I also have seen thirst.
> Here's AN 6.10.11
> Comments:
> 1) ta.nhaa = thirst
> which isN: Also self estimation is a kind of conceit, one clings to the importance
> commonly translated as "conceit". But here it is probably more simply
> "self-estimation",
> "conceit" being closer to atimaana, here rendered as "over-estimation".
> have here given"estimation" when simply referring to the attachment to self
> "maana" three seperate translations: "self-estimation" to clarify what kind of
> estimation
> is referred to,
> (e.g. I amN: Thus here the word estimation refers to conceit, not just clinging to
> like this, I am like that),
> maanaabhisamayaa". This avoids describing "maana" as a kind of "maana", asN: Translation is fine, I think. The sammaa belongs to the abhisamayaa, not
> well as
> repeating oneself, saying that abandoning "maana" is a way to penetrate
> "maana".
> --------------------------------------------
> A'nguttaranikaayo
> 10. Aanisa'msavaggo
> 11. Ta.nhaasutta.m
> Tisso imaa, bhikkhave, ta.nhaa pahaatabbaa, tayo ca maanaa.
> These three, o Bhikkhus, thirsts should be abandoned, and these three
> self-estimations.
> Katamaa tisso ta.nhaa pahaatabbaa? Kaamata.nhaa, bhavata.nhaa, vibhavata.nhaa-
> imaa tisso
> ta.nhaa pahaatabbaa.
> Which three thirsts should be abandoned? Thirst for sensuality, thirst for
> becoming,
> thirst for non-becoming. These three thirsts should be abandoned.
> Katame tayo maanaa pahaatabbaa? Maano, omaano, atimaano- ime tayo maanaa
> pahaatabbaa.
> Which three self-estimations should be abandoned? Estimation,
> under-estimation,
> over-estimation. These three self-estimations should be abandoned.
> Yato kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno imaa tisso ta.nhaa pahiinaa honti, ime ca tayo
> maanaa;
> aya.m vuccati, bhikkhave, bhikkhu acchecchi ta.nha.m,vivattayi sa.myojana.m,
> sammaa
> maanaabhisamayaa antamakaasi dukkhassaa"ti.
> Indeed, oh bhikkhus, from whence these three thirsts are abandoned by a
> bhikkhu, along
> with these three self-estimations - o monks, one says this monk has cut off
> thirst; has
> broken the bond ; from the right penetration of conceit has made an end to
> suffering.