From: libris
Message: 6573
Date: 2005-02-17
> Hi Piya
> I agree with Rod that just four lines would suffice, otherwise it
> becomes too cumbersome.
> Another thing to bear in mind is the medium. If it's in print, then
> the quadrilinear version would be good. But if it's on the screen,
> it would be possible to have just the Chinese and the modern
> translation. Using software such as Babylon or Dr Eye, we can just
> click on the characters and it'll tell us the pin yin and the
> dictionary meaning. Comparing with the translation will help us
> determine the contextual meaning. This method would be much quicker
> to write, and might be more helpful in learning, since there would
> be a motivation to not 'click' unnecessarily, so the student might
> learn to recognize characters faster.
> Another technique that would be good to evolve is a way of directly
> comparing the Pali with the Chinese, which of course are rarely
> exactly identical. How could we do this?
> By the way, a bit of good news: we just got permission from Bhikkhu
> Pasadika to use his Ekottara Agama translations on sutta-central.
> Dhammena
> Bhante Sujato
> > In the case of the Chinese Agama translation, we might have five
> lines:
> > Buddhist Textual Chinese (classical), modern Chinese, pinyin,
> English word for word translation, modern translation.
> >
> > Rod Bucknell suggests that we may omit the modern Chinese line, as
> there is little need for it in Buddhist Studies.
> >
> > Of course, such a process is very tedious. I took about months to
> finish the Maha Satipatthana Sutta trilinear.
> >
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