From: Bhante Sujato
Message: 5685
Date: 2004-10-20
>about old language of north west India (Now Pakistan ---Old Indus
> Hi Bhante Sujato
> Thank you very much for so detailed informations.I am working
>some basic questions from your reply
> I am grateful to you that you helped me,indeed i approached to
> Bhante Sujato <sujato@...> wrote:
> Hello Aslam
> Your question is not an easy one, and the scholars do not agree. I
> am no expert, but as i understand the matter lies like this. Some
> say Pali originated in Kosala; others that it derives from the
> east coast areas of Inda.forms,
> Many, however, think that Pali originated in Avanti, to the south
> west of the Buddha's central region in the Ganges valley. The
> Theravada school evidently had their headquarters there before
> moving to Sri Lanka, so it seems that this is where they
> standardized the language of the canon into the local Avanti
> dialect.
> The Pali texts, however, retain traces of so-called 'eastern'
> or 'Magadhisms', the most famous being the word the Buddha uses tobe
> address the monks - 'bhikkhave'. The 'correct' Pali form should
> be 'bhikkhavo', and this form is found in the narrative background
> settings to the suttas, but not the suttas themselves. This could
> taken as a sign that the Buddha himself spoke somethingactual
> like 'Magadhi', and that the suttas preserve a remnant of his
> dialect that escaped standardizing into standard Pali. Whether orvalley .I
> not this is the case, many scholars believe that the occasional
> Magadhisms in the Pali are evidence of an earlier dialect that the
> suttas were originally preserved in.
> As for places where Pali is spoken today, as far as i know it has
> not been a spoken language for a long time, except occasionally in
> the monasteries. It would be interesting to know if there was
> anywhere in India that still spoke a descendant dialect.
> As i said, i am no expert, and am not up-to date on the scholarly
> research on the point, so it would be good to hear from others on
> this.
> with metta
> Bhante Sujato
> --- In, "Aslam Rasoolpuri"
> <aslamrasoolpuri@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I am from Pakistan and interested old language of Indus
> > want to know about origin and effects of Pali on other southit
> Asian
> > languages
> >
> > My next request is that what was first area of Pali language
> where
> > it was being spoken in the period of Buddha and nowadys where
> isdigest or web only.
> > being spoken
> >
> > I hope any friend will reply my question.Thanks
> >
> >
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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