From: nina van gorkom
Message: 5527
Date: 2004-09-18
> H"orensagen traut".N: Yes.
> Can I translate this as "Who trusts not H"orensagen".
> What is H"orensagen: "hearsay"?
> I think this journal is "The Path of Truth": am I right?N: Yes.
> Norman quotes Hans-Werbin K"ohler's "'Srad-dhaa- in der vedischen undN: Yes.
> altbuddhistischen Literatur" 1973:60. There K"ohler translates "assadha" as
> "ohne Spendefreudigheit" in the context of "maccharii" (selfish,
> avaricious). I hope I am right translating this German phrase as
> "without joy in giving"
> or is it "without giving joyfully"?N: Without confidence in liberality or generosity.
> Perhaps, in "good" English, K"ohler means "without faith in the joy of
> giving" but I don't think this is what he has in his article (which I do
> not have and would fully comprehend anyway since my German is not as good
> as my Thai).