I am summarizing and paraphrasing sections of Norman's article on
"Dhammapada 97: a misunderstood paradox" (Indologica Taurinensia 7
1979:325-331) for my study of Dh 97 and Pubbako.t.thaka Sutta (S 48.44),
entitled "Two Levels of Religious Language" (SD vol 10, lesson 6, 2005).
Norman cites Neumann's German translation of "assaddha" as "Wer keinem
H"orensagen traut".
Can I translate this as "Who trusts not H"orensagen".
What is H"orensagen: "hearsay"?
Neumann's translation is found in "Der Wahrheitpfad" Leipzig, 1893:27.
I think this journal is "The Path of Truth": am I right?
On page 328 (discussing the "bad meanings" of the key words of Dh 97),
Norman quotes Hans-Werbin K"ohler's "'Srad-dhaa- in der vedischen und
altbuddhistischen Literatur" 1973:60. There K"ohler translates "assadha" as
"ohne Spendefreudigheit" in the context of "maccharii" (selfish,
avaricious). I hope I am right translating this German phrase as
"without joy in giving"
or is it "without giving joyfully"?
Perhaps, in "good" English, K"ohler means "without faith in the joy of
giving" but I don't think this is what he has in his article (which I do
not have and would fully comprehend anyway since my German is not as good
as my Thai).
Your help will contribute to better lesson notes for my students and those
who use them.
Thanks & Sukhi
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