From: Yuttadhammo
Message: 5080
Date: 2004-07-17
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Anderson" <jimanderson_on@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Pali] AN Translations
> Dear Ven. Yuttadhammo (and Nina),
> Thanks for the notes and the Visuddhimagga reference. I
also did some
> searching and found some commentarial explanations that
shed further
> light. For an explanation of the term "sakkhibhabbataa", I
quote the
> following from the Vibha"nga-muula.tiikaa:
> paccakkha.m yassa atthi, so sakkhi, sakkhino bhabbataa
> sakkhibhabbataa, sakkhibhavanataati vutta.m hoti. sakkhi
ca so bhabbo
> caati vaa sakkhibhabbo. aya~nhi iddhividhaadiina.m bhabbo,
tattha ca
> sakkhiiti sakkhibhabbo, tassa bhaavo sakkhibhabbataa, ta.m
> paapu.naati. aayataneti pubbahetaadike sati. --
p. 152
> (Myanmarese ed. from CSCD)
> This shows two ways in which the compound can be derived.
> anu.tiikaa comments on "sakkhibhavanataa" and
> For a very informative explanation of "sati sati"
> sakkhibhabbataa) see the MN a.t.thakathaa and .tiikaa near
the end of
> the Mahaavacchagottasutta (no. 73). In the
A"nguttaranikaaya sentence
> being studied, the part still needing more explanation for
me is
> "tatra tatreva" which the a.t.thakathaa explains as:
tasmi.m tasmi.m
> visese (in this and that distinction). I'm not sure what
> distinctions are, perhaps they are the six supernormal
abhi~n~naa-s, I
> don't know.
> In your:
> > With six, o monks, dhammas endowed, a monk is unable
here or
> > anywhere to attain realisation with his own eyes, though
> > be within his sphere.
> I think "here or anywhere . . . his sphere" still needs
more work.
> "his sphere" doesn't at all reflect 'aayatane' in the
sense of
> '' (cause) according to the commentary. I notice
that in some
> of the readings in the Burmese texts for other similar
passages there
> is a hyphen: sati-aayatane. This suggests a compound with
'sati' in
> the sense of mindfulness, not with the loc. sing. of
santa. I'm
> inclined to think the hyphen doesn't belong.
> I can't help too much more unless I take up the study of
> commentarial passages I've just indicated above (and
undoubtedly this
> will lead to other ones to study as well) which I don't
have enough
> time for at present, unfortunately.
> Best wishes,
> Jim
> > Dear Jim,
> >
> > Thank you for the correction, I learned something new :)
> > found what you are talking about in Duroiselle's Grammar
> > sect. 603. I ran a search and found this clause "sati
> > aayatane" in the Visuddhimagga (VIII,76), where
> > translates it as "whenever there is occasion." He cites
> > commentaries to support this. The MCU Thai version
seems to
> > be following the same with "mua mii hetu" and has some
> > interesting notes in the pa~ncakanipaata (vol ??, page
> > The Vism Maha-tika says: " sati".
> >
> > It's just a stab in the dark, but maybe this works:
> >
> > "Chahi, bhikkhave, dhammehi samannaagato bhikkhu abhabbo
> > tatra tatreva sakkhibhabbata'm paapu.nitu'm sati sati
> > aayatane.
> > /with six /o monks /dhammas /endowed /a monk /is unable
> > /there /anywhere /realisation with his own eyes/to
> > /though it be /within his sphere /
> >
> > With six, o monks, dhammas endowed, a monk is unable
here or
> > anywhere to attain realisation with his own eyes, though
> > be within his sphere.
> >
> > The opposite:
> >
> > With six, o monks, dhammas endowed, a monk is able here
> > anywhere to attain realisation with his own eyes, should
> > be within his sphere.
> >
> > Hope that is getting closer :)
> >
> > Best wishes,
> >
> > Yuttadhammo
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