From: nina van gorkom Message: 5048 Date: 2004-06-29
Dear friends,
I added some corrections.
Onderwerp: Wheel sutta corrected
The Wheel Sutta.
Cattaarimaani bhikkhave, cakkaani,
four (pl) fold/ monks/ wheels
these are the four wheels, monks,
yehi samannaagataana.m devamanussaana.m catucakka.m vattati,
by which/ possessed/ for devas and men/ four wheels/ rolls
and for devas and men who possess these, fourfold prosperity is rolling on.
yehi samannaagataa devamanussaa
of which/ possessed/ devas and men
The devas and men who are possessed of these
nacirasseva mahantatta.m vepullatta.m paapu.nanti bhogesu.
in no long time/ greatness/ abundance / attain/ /in prosperity
reach in no long time greatness and abundance in prosperity.
Katamaani cattaari?
which ones/the four?
Which are the four?
Patiruupa/desa/vaaso, sappurisa/avassayo
suitable/region/living noble persons/association
Living in a suitable place, association with noble persons,
atta/sammaa/pa.nidhi/, pubbe ca kata/pu~n~nataa-
self/right/ aspiration/ formerly/ and/ done/ meritorious deeds
the establishing of oneself in the right course, and having formerly done
deeds of merit.
imaani kho, bhikkhave, cattaari cakkaani,
these/indeed/ monks/ four/ wheels,
These are truly, monks, the four wheels,
yehi samannaagataana.m devamanussaana.m catucakka.m vattati,
and the devas and men who are possessed of these
yehi samannaagataa devamanussaa nacirasseva mahantatta.m vepullatta.m
paapu.nanti bhogesuu>ti.
reach in no long time greatness and abundance in prosperity.
Patiruupe vase dese,
Suitable/live/in a place
A man should live in a suitable place
ariya/mitta/karo siyaa;
noble/friend/making/ there may be
have noble friendship;
be well established in the right course;
pubbe pu~n~nakato naro;
formerly/merit done/ a man
and have formerly done deeds of merit;
sukha~nceta.m adhivattatii>ti.
and happiness come to him in abundance.
Commentary: as to association with noble persons, the Co remarks: drawing
near and sitting close to the Buddha etc.
N: this means: listening to noble persons.
Co: As to right establishing of oneself: someone may have many activities
and has no confidence in kusala, but then he may have abandoned this lack of
confidence and applied himself to all good qualities such as confidence.
As to meritorious deeds formerly done, this means that someone has
accumulated kusala kamma. This is the subject of this sutta: because of
kusala kamma performed by the citta that is accompanied by paññaa is the
condition for someone to enter a suitable country, to meet a noble person
and thus he will become well established in the right course.
As to sukha~nceta.m adhivattatii: that happiness will be abundant and
overwhelming for him.