AN Translations

From: Yuttadhammo
Message: 5016
Date: 2004-06-25

Here is AN 6.7.5 Quite a bit longer, hence the wait...


1) I have given up my pseudo-American "oh Lord" in favour of the colonial British "o Lord", at the kind suggestion of one of the members of this group. As a former Canadian, I am somewhat ambivalent towards these political linguistic intricacies, so hope this is an okay change.

2) For "saa devataa 'samanuñño me satthaa'ti" I have inserted the word [knowing], as the verb is missing - I am aware this is common, and I couldn't think of an English equivalent way of saying it without inserting a verb.

3) Sattha here is untranslated, as I would also leave Tathaagata, etc.

4) "bhuuta'm taccha'm kaalena" is funny - I have "as is becoming, befitting and timely".

5) "imassa kho aha'm, bhante, bhagavataa sa'mkhittena bhaasitassa eva'm vitthaarena attha'm aajaanaami" - here is a grammer issue - I have "verily, I, o Lord, in regards to this concise speech of the Blessed One, understand the detailed meaning thus:" (please see the analysis below)

6) Thanks for the encouragement - this has become an easy and profitable way to learn Pali - I would encourage anyone else to try just for that reason if nothing else. Also, the Dhamma seems to stick in the mind very well when you translate it yourself.

Best wishes,


Chom Tong Insight Meditation Center
Wat Phradhatu Sri Chom Tong Voravihara
T. Ban Luang, A. Chom Tong
Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50160
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7. Devataavaggo

5. Devataasutta'm

Atha kho aññataraa devataa abhikkantaaya rattiyaa abhikkantava.n.naa kevalakappa'm jetavana'm obhaasetvaa yena bhagavaa tenupasa'nkami;

/then /and /a certain /angel /in the far reaching /night /a far reaching lustre /the seeming whole /Jetavana /having illuminated /by which /the Blessed One /by that /came close to /

And then, a certain angel, in the far reaches of the night, having, with a far reaching lustre, illuminated the seeming whole of Jetavana, came close to where the Blessed One was.

upasa'nkamitvaa bhagavanta'm abhivaadetvaa ekamanta'm a.t.thaasi.

/having approached /the Blessed One /having paid homage /to one side /she stood /

Having approached the Blessed One, having paid homage, she stood to one side.

ekamanta'm .thitaa kho saa devataa bhagavanta'm etadavoca-

/to one side /standing /so /that /angel /the Blessed One /spoke thus /

So standing to one side, that angel to the Blessed One spoke thus:

"chayime, bhante, dhammaa bhikkhuno aparihaanaaya sa'mvattanti. katame cha?

/these six /oh Lord /dhammas /of a monk / non-wasting-away /lead to /which /six /

"These six, oh Lord, dhammas lead to the non-wasting-away of a monk. Which six?

satthugaaravataa, dhammagaaravataa, sa'nghagaaravataa, sikkhaagaaravataa, sovacassataa, kalyaa.namittataa-

/respect for the Teacher /respect for the Dhamma /respect for the Sangha /respect for the training /being easily admonished /beautiful friendship /

Respect for the Teacher, respect for the Dhamma, respect for the Sangha, respect for the training, being easily admonished, beautiful friendship.

ime kho, bhante, cha dhammaa bhikkhuno aparihaanaaya sa'mvattantii"ti.

/these /indeed /oh Lord /six /dhammas /of a monk / non-wasting-away /lead to /

Indeed these, oh Lord, six dhammas lead to the non-wasting-away of a monk."

idamavoca saa devataa. samanuñño satthaa ahosi. atha kho saa devataa "samanuñño me satthaa"ti bhagavanta'm abhivaadetvaa'm katvaa tatthevantaradhaayi.

/thus spoke /that /angel /approval /by the Sattha /there was /then /and /that angel /approval /of me /the Sattha / the Blessed One /having paid homage /circumambulation to the right /having made /disappeared right there /

Thus spoke that angel. There was approval from the Sattha (Buddha). And then, that angel [knowing] "the Sattha approves of me," having paid homage to the Blessed One, having made a circumambulation to the right, disappeared right there.

Atha kho bhagavaa tassaa rattiyaa accayena bhikkhuu aamantesi-

/then /and /the Blessed One /of the night /with the ending /the monks /addressed /

And then, the Blessed One, with the ending of the night, addressed the monks.

"ima'm, bhikkhave, ratti'm aññataraa devataa abhikkantaaya rattiyaa abhikkantava.n.naa kevalakappa'm jetavana'm obhaasetvaa yenaaha'm tenupasa'nkami;

/this /oh monks /night /a certain /angel /in the far reaching /night /a far reaching lustre /the seeming whole /Jetavana /having illuminated /by which I/by that came up to /

"This night, oh monks, a certain angel, in the far reaches of the night, having with a far reaching lustre illuminated the seeming whole of Jetavana, came up to where I was.

upasa'nkamitvaa ma'm abhivaadetvaa ekamanta'm a.t.thaasi.

/having approached /me /having paid homage /to one side /she stood /

Having approached me, having paid homage, she stood to one side.

ekamanta'm .thitaa kho, bhikkhave, saa devataa ma'm etadavoca-

/to one side /standing /so /that /angel /to me /spoke thus /

So standing to one side, that angel to me spoke thus:

'chayime, bhante, dhammaa bhikkhuno aparihaanaaya sa'mvattanti. katame cha?

/these six /oh Lord /dhammas /of a monk / non-wasting-away /lead to /which /six /

'These six, oh Lord, dhammas lead to the non-wasting-away of a monk. Which six?

satthugaaravataa, dhammagaaravataa, sa'nghagaaravataa, sikkhaagaaravataa, sovacassataa, kalyaa.namittataa-

/respect for the Teacher /respect for the Dhamma /respect for the Sangha /respect for the training /being easily admonished /of beautiful friendship /

Respect for the Teacher, respect for the Dhamma, respect for the Sangha, respect for the training, being easily admonished, of beautiful friendship.

ime kho, bhante, cha dhammaa bhikkhuno aparihaanaaya sa'mvattantii"ti.

/these /indeed /oh Lord /six /dhammas /of a monk / non-wasting-away /lead to /

Indeed these, oh Lord, six dhammas lead to the non-wasting-away of a monk.'

idamavoca, bhikkhave, saa devataa. ida'm vatvaa ma'm abhivaadetvaa'm katvaa tatthevantaradhaayii"ti.

/thus spoke /oh monks /that /angel /thus /having spoken /to me /having paid homage /circumambulation to the right /having made /disappeared right there /

Thus spoke, oh monks, that angel. Thus having spoken, having to me paid homage, having made a circumambulation to the right, she disappeared right there."

Eva'm vutte aayasmaa saariputto bhagavanta'm abhivaadetvaa etadavoca- "imassa kho aha'm, bhante, bhagavataa sa'mkhittena bhaasitassa eva'm vitthaarena attha'm aajaanaami.

/Thus /said /the Venerable /Saariputta /to the Blessed One /having paid homage /said this /to this /verily /I /o Lord /of the Blessed One /by way of concision /speech /thus /with detail /the meaning /understand /

Thus said, the Venerable Saariputta, having paid homage to the Blessed One, said this: "verily, I, o Lord, in regards to this concise speech of the Blessed One, understand the detailed meaning thus:

idha, bhante, bhikkhu attanaa ca satthugaaravo hoti satthugaaravataaya ca va.n.navaadii.

/here /o Lord /a monk / by himself /and /one with respect for the Teacher /is /of respect towards the Teacher /and /speaks well/

Here, o Lord, a monk is by himself one with respect for the Teacher and speaks well of respect towards the Teacher.

ye caññe bhikkhuu na satthugaaravaa te ca satthugaaravataaya samaadapeti.

/what /and other /monks /not /ones with respect for the Teacher /them /and /to respect towards the Teacher /causes them to be given to /

And what other monks are not respectful towards the Teacher, them too he causes to be given to respecting the Teacher.

ye caññe bhikkhuu satthugaaravaa tesañca'm bha.nati bhuuta'm taccha'm kaalena.

/what /and other /monks /ones with respect for the teacher /of them also /well /speaks /becoming /befitting /timely /

And what other monks are respectful towards the Teacher, of them too he speaks well, as is becoming, befitting and timely.

attanaa ca dhammagaaravo hoti .pe. sa'nghagaaravo hoti. sikkhaagaaravo hoti . suvaco hoti. kalyaa.namitto hoti kalyaa.namittataaya ca va.n.navaadii.

/ by himself /and /one with respect for the Dhamma /is /. . . /one with respect for the Sangha /is /. . . /one with respect for the training /is /. . . /easily admonished /is /. . . /a beautiful friend /is /of beautiful friendship /and /speaks well /

He himself is also one with respect for the Dhamma . is one with respect for the Sangha . is one with respect for the training . is easily admonished . is a beautiful friend, and speaks well of beautiful friendship.

ye caññe bhikkhuu na kalyaa.namittaa te ca kalyaa.namittataaya samaadapeti.

/what /and other /monks /not /beautiful friends /them /and /to beautiful friendship /causes them to be given to /

And what other monks are not beautiful friends, them too he causes to be given to beautiful friendship.

ye caññe bhikkhuu kalyaa.namittaa tesañca'm bha.nati bhuuta'm taccha'm kaalena.

/what /and other /monks /beautiful friends /of them also /well /speaks /becoming /befitting /timely /

And what other monks are beautiful friends, of them too he speaks well, as is becoming, befitting, and timely.

imassa kho aha'm, bhante, bhagavataa sa'mkhittena bhaasitassa eva'm vitthaarena attha'm aajaanaamii"ti.

/to this /verily /I /o Lord /of the Blessed One /by way of concision /speech /thus /with detail /the meaning /understand /

Verily, I, o Lord, in regards to this concise speech of the Blessed One, understand the detailed meaning thus."

"Saadhu saadhu, saariputta! saadhu kho tva'm, saariputta, imassa mayaa sa'mkhittena bhaasitassa eva'm vitthaarena attha'm aajaanaasi.

/excellent /excellent /Saariputta /excellent /indeed /you /Saariputta /to this /of mine /by way of concision /speech /thus /with detail /the meaning /understand /

"Excellent excellent, Saariputta! It is excellent indeed that you, Saariputta, in regards to this my concise speech, understand the detailed meaning thus."

idha, saariputta, bhikkhu attanaa ca satthugaaravo hoti satthugaaravataaya ca va.n.navaadii.

/here /o Saariputta /a monk / by himself /and /one with respect for the Teacher /is /of respect towards the Teacher /and /speaks well/

Here, o Saariputta, a monk is by himself one with respect for the Teacher and speaks well of respect towards the Teacher.

ye caññe bhikkhuu na satthugaaravaa te ca satthugaaravataaya samaadapeti.

/what /and other /monks /not /ones with respect for the Teacher /them /and /to respect towards the Teacher /causes them to be given to

And what other monks are not respectful towards the Teacher, them too he causes to be given to respecting the Teacher.

ye caññe bhikkhuu satthugaaravaa tesañca'm bha.nati bhuuta'm taccha'm kaalena.

/what /and other /monks /ones with respect for the teacher /of them also /well /speaks /becoming /befitting /timely /

And what other monks are respectful towards the Teacher, of them too he speaks well, as is becoming, befitting, and timely.

attanaa ca dhammagaaravo hoti .pe. sa'nghagaaravo hoti. sikkhaagaaravo hoti. suvaco hoti. kalyaa.namitto hoti kalyaa.namittataaya ca va.n.navaadii.

/ by himself /and /one with respect for the Dhamma /is /. . . /one with respect for the Sangha /is /. . . /one with respect for the training /is /. . . /easily admonished /is /. . . /a beautiful friend /is /of beautiful friendship /and /speaks well /

He himself is also one with respect for the Dhamma . is one with respect for the Sangha . is one with respect for the training . is easily admonished . is a beautiful friend, and speaks well of beautiful friendship.

ye caññe bhikkhuu na kalyaa.namittaa te ca kalyaa.namittataaya samaadapeti.

/what /and other /monks /not /beautiful friends /them /and /to beautiful friendship /causes them to be given to /

And what other monks are not beautiful friends, them too he causes to be given to beautiful friendship.

ye caññe bhikkhuu kalyaa.namittaa tesañca'm bha.nati bhuuta'm taccha'm kaalena.

/what /and other /monks /beautiful friends /of them also /well /speaks /becoming /befitting /timely /

And what other monks are beautiful friends, of them too he speaks well, as is becoming, befitting, and timely.

Imassa kho, saariputta, mayaa sa'mkhittena bhaasitassa eva'm vitthaarena attho da.t.thabbo"ti.

/to this /verily /o Saariputta /my /by way of concision /speech /thus /with detail /the meaning /should be given /

Verily, o Saariputta, in regards to this my concise speech, the detailed meaning should be given thus."

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