From: John Kelly
Message: 4744
Date: 2004-04-24
> 1. Geha.m pavisanta.m ahi.m disvaa kaññaa bhaayitvaa assuuniFor the above, please note that "shedding" should have two d's.
> pavattentii roditu.m aarabhi.
> house / entering / serpent / having seen / girl / having got
> frightened / tears / sheding / to cry / started
> Seeing the serpent entering the house, the girl, being
> frightened and sheding tears, started to cry.
--- In, "Ong Yong Peng" <ypong001@...> wrote:
> Pali Primer Exercise 28
> Translate into Pali
> 12. The powerful kings were victorious.
> balavantaa / bhuupatayo / abhavi.msu/bhavi.msu / jetaaro
> Balavantaa bhuupatayo jetaaro abhavi.msu/bhavi.msu.
> Pali Primer Exercise 29
> Translate into English
> 1. Geha.m pavisanta.m ahi.m disvaa kaññaa bhaayitvaa assuuni
> pavattentii roditu.m aarabhi.
> house / entering / serpent / having seen / girl / having got
> frightened / tears / sheding / to cry / started
> Seeing the serpent entering the house, the girl, being
> frightened and sheding tears, started to cry.
> 2. Diipinaa hataaya gaaviyaa a.t.thiini bhuumiya.m vippaki.n.naani
> honti.
> by leopard / killed / cow's / bones / on ground / scattered /
> are
> The bones of the cow killed by the leopard are scattered on the
> ground.
> 3. Nadiyaa vaarinaa vatthaani dhovanto pitaa nahaapetu.m putta.m
> pakkosi.
> in river / with water / clothes / washing / father / to get
> bathed / son / called
> Washing clothes with the water in the river, the father called
> (his) son to get a bath.
> 4. Tva.m sappinaa ca madhunaa sammissetvaa odana.m bhuñjissasi.
> you / with ghee / and / with honey / having mixed / rice /
> will eat
> You will eat the rice, having mixed (it) with ghee and honey.