From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4512 Date: 2004-03-13
Pali Primer Exercise 25
Translate into English
19. Tva.m girimhi vasante diipayo oloketu.m luddakena saha giri.m
you / in mountain / living / leopards / to look at / with
hunter / mountain / climb
You climb the mountain with the hunter to look at the leopards
living in the mountain.
20. Devii parisaaya saha sabhaaya.m nisinnaa hoti.
queen / with retinue / in assembly / seated / is
The queen is seated in the assembly with (her) retinue.
21. Gahapatayo pañhe pucchitu.m aaka'nkhamaanaa isi.m
householders / questions / to ask / hoping / sage / approached
The householders, hoping to ask questions, approached the sage.
22. Gahapatiihi pu.t.tho isi pañhe vyaakari.
by householders / questioned / sage / questions / answered
Questioned by the householders, the sage answered the questions.
23. Naariyaa dhotaani vatthaani ga.nhante kapayo disvaa kumaaraa
paasaa.nehi te (them) pahari.msu.
by woman / washed / clothes / taking / monkeys / having seen /
boys / with stones / them / hit
Having seen the monkeys taking the clothes washed by the woman,
the boys hit them with stones.
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