Hello Jeff,

I don't believe Stephen has responded to you yet so I'll jump in here
and provide you with the URL as I have made a few contributions to the
discussion myself. You can read the messages by going to:


You will have to register your email address and get a password in
order to read the messages and you may even have to subscribe
beforehand. It is a forum for the academic discussion of Buddhist
topics pertaining to all the different schools and vehicles. The
discussion is under the subject line: Buddha as Mystic. As it
currently stands there appears to be nothing in the suttas themselves
to support the attainment of arahatship without the jhaanas. However,
the commentaries do support it and the closest support I'm aware of in
the Tipitaka is a passage found in the Puggalapa~n~natti, p. 61.

Best wishes,

> Hello Stephen, and thank-you for the recommendation of the dialog,
however I
> am too unsophisticated a computer user to track down that URL. Would
> happen to have it available?
> Kindest regards,
> Jeff Brooks